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=== Chapter 10 ===
Valentine turns off the engine, and they row between the buildings to be less conspicuous. Val explains that Regalia is letting people live their lives normally, and she controls the gangs who once terrorized the city, and that there is an abundance of food due to trees growing inside the buildings thanks to an entity named [[Dawnslight]], who is believed to be an Epic. Prof disputes the accounts of Regalia being benevolent, and says they are there to take down Regalia and her allies. As Exel speaks up for the improvements in life under Regalia, they suddenly note a series of explosions nearby, and decide to help in secret so as to not reveal their presence. They go to a nearby building to provide first aid with the harmsway. David and Mizzy stay in the boat, and suddenly an avatar of Regalia appears, addressing Prof. David shoots at the image of the Epic.
=== Chapter 11 ===