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=== Chapter 8 ===
Sarene decides to live in the palace instead of her uncle's house. She sets up an easel in the throne room and paints copies of the art hanging on the walls, which aggravates the king, but when she is asked to relocate, she only moves a short distance and continues, and her presence is tolerated as the king has more pressing matters. Sarene and Ashe discuss the king's business acumen and poor prospects of staying in power, as well as Sarene's lack of artistic ability. Lukel, who as a successful businessman has a standing invitation to the court, joins them and they watch the king adjucate a dispute over the ownership of a peasant, though slavery is illegal for the time being. Lukel explains how the nation has become more oppressive since Iadon took power, and that individual landholding rights were eliminated, and wealth redistributed to merchants who supported the king's rise to the throne.
Lukel also discusses the past rivalry between the Merchant's Guild and the Elantrians who had provided free food and services to the population. Sarene speculates that the Arelish population will revolt over this poor treatment since they still remember freedom from not too long before, unlike the Fjordell who have been living under harsh conditions for centuries. Lukel compares Sarene to Raoden, and reminisces about the former prince, who was kind and outspoken, and stood up to the king's harsh laws, creating friction between father and son. Lukel also discusses Kiin's undermining of the king's authority by refusing to accept a noble title, and the line of succession which is endangered due to Raoden's 'passing' though the king may try to have another child. Lukel states that Raoden's friends will stop their subvertive meetings since the prince is not there anymore to provide protection, and Sarene asks to be invited to their last gathering.
Lukel and Sarene then go to lunch at Kiin's house. Over the midday meal, they discuss various schools of art, Sarene's novice ability, and other topics. Kaise, Daorn, and Sarene take a visit to the boundary wall of Elantris, where they encounter a large crowd. Hrathen preaches about how the Elantrians have reverted to baser animal instincts, turning their backs on religion, and Sarene takes the opportunity to start a theological debate with the gyorn, using misleading arguments to break the priest's thrall over the crowd. Hrathen concedes to Sarene graciously and departs, though Dilaf glares at Sarene.
Sarene then discusses the Elantrians who loiter in the courtyard, who Kaise states are neglected and who she describes as dead. Sarene notes two Elantrians that don't seem to have given into despair like the others that they observe, and by the descriptions they are Raoden and Galladon, but she doesn't realize their identities.
=== Chapter 9 ===