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;Plot Summary
Spensa realizes that the pin is actually Doomslug, who transformed into her father’s pin to hide from the delvers. Spensa had told Doomslug to go to home, but to Doomslug, Spensa equals home. Spensa apologizes for burying Doomslug. Doomslug communicates with Spensa cytonically, saying that she can’t hyperjump away. She’s trapped in the belt same as Spensa. Doomslug tells her that the reality ashes are similar to poop, being produced by taynix. They are bits of the somewhere pulled in through Doomslug’s powers.
Peg arrives, and Spensa gives her back her reality icon. They chat in private, and Peg says that she hid a taynix with her things when she entered the nowhere. It transformed into a stuffed toy, Peg’s childhood favorite. She says that most of the pirates don’t know that the icons are taynix. Spensa asks if all taynix can hide themselves as objects, and Doomslug says that only yellow-blue ones can. Doomslug tells her that there are “tons” of other kinds of slugs. Peg takes Spensa to her tree, which is covered in a variety of real fruit. The trees grow fruit based off of how its personal tenasi feels. Peg gives Spensa one of the fruits, and tells her that she can plant it, and that it is a great honor. Peg tells Spensa about the importance of the tenasi trees, and the future they symbolize. Spensa realizes that she doesn’t trust the delvers and that she needs to get back to her friends and family, and determines to deny the delvers’ offer and complete the Path of Elders.
