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m (→‎Chapter Header: how;s that?)
{{infobox|title=Prologue: To Question|
{{row/image|Shallan's Chapters.svg}}
{{row/kvheader|Book[[Words of Radiance/Summary|''[[Words of Radiance]]'' Summary]]|}}
{{row/kv|Precedes|[[Chapter One: Santhid]]|}}
{{row/kv|Viewpoint|[[Jasnah Kholin]]|}}
{{row/kv|Word Count|5,283|}}
<div style="float: right; padding-left: 1em">__TOC__</div>
==Plot Summary==
:''Six years ago''
The Royal Palace in Kholinar, Alethkar, the night of the assassination of King Gavilar. Shadesmar
Like the prologue for ''The Way of Kings'', '''To Question''' shows a different perspective of the events of the night King Gavilar is assassinated. The name follows the convention of "To <blank>".
The first Jasnah viewpoint.
==Chapter Header==
<div style="text-align: center;">[[File:Battar.jpg|100px]][[File:Battar.jpg|100px]][[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|100px150px]][[File:Battar.jpg|100px]][[File:Battar.jpg|100px]]</div>
;Shadesmar Icon
First use of the Shadesmar icon for a character who is not Shallan.
{{navbox|title=''[[Words of Radiance]]''|
{{row/kv|[[Words of Radiance/Summary|Chapter Summaries]]|
[[../Summary Proposal|Prologue: To Question]] · [[Chapter One: Santhid]] · [[Chapter Two: Bridge Four]] · [[Chapter Three: Pattern]]
{{row/kv|Other stuff|
[[Words of Radiance/Epigraphs|Epigraphs]] · [[Words of Radiance/Headings|Chapter Headings]] · [[Words_of_Radiance/Statistical_analysis|Statistical analysis]] · [[../Words Timeline|Timeline]]