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[[File:Pattern Animation.gif|thumb|100px|Drawings of [[Pattern]] by [[Shallan Davar]]]]
:''Main Article:'' [[Cryptic]]s
A type of sentient spren that formed Nahel Bonds with the KnightsKnight Radiant Order of [[Lightweavers]], granting them their powers. Cryptics grants the [[Surgebinding#Surgebindings|Surges]] of Transformation and Illumination to the bonded human.{{17s ref|post|67791}} In the [[Realmatic Theory#Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]] they have the appearance of figures in robes that hang "too stiffly" as if they were "made of glass" and instead of heads they have a floating symbol full of "impossible angles and geometries."{{book ref|sa1|29}} In the [[Realmatic Theory#Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] they take the shape of a complex and constantly shifting geometric pattern slightly raised off a surface or object.{{book ref|sa2|3}} They can also manifest as a floating three-dimensional mass of twisting lines.{{book ref|sa2|42}}