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|Tin burning ... Notting about the seeing. Wasing about the not seeing.
|Spook to Vin giving advice on buriningburning Tin{{book ref|mb1|32}}
Spook's grandfather had noble blood;{{book ref|mb3|53}} it is likely this was his maternal grandfather as [[Cladent|his mother's brother]] was also an [[Allomancer]]. As a result, Spook is a [[Tineye]]. He is the best one on Kelsier's crew, and so usually gets the most important watches.{{book ref|mb1|32}} After Clubs' death, he begins constantly flaring his tin because he thinks it will make him more useful, turning himself into a tin [[savant]]. As a result of this, he can feel disturbances in the air, sense tremors in the floor, and could know where people were simply by how close their heartbeats sounded. However, it also leaves him very vulnerable to sudden and strong stimuli, and he often keeps his ears partially plugged and his eyes covered.{{book ref|mb3|16}}
During his time on [[Kelsier's crew]], Spook was mainly involved as a sentry of key locations; watching the area around Clubs' shop from a six-story tenement two streets over.{{book ref|mb1|32}} He participated in the crew's planning sessions, but rarely contributed to them other than serving drinks or getting things.{{book ref|mb1|32}}
After the crew thought [[Marsh]] had been captured by the Ministry, they sent Spook with the [[House Renoux]] canal procession that left Luthadel, as he was their best Tineye.{{book ref|mb1|33}} The [[Steel Inquisitor]]s, however, had just tracked [[Vin]] to her Valette Renoux alias, and attacked the caravan to try to find her. When they didn't find her in the convoy, the brought Spook, [[OreSeur]], and the Renoux servants back to Luthadel, ostensibly to be executed, but actually as a trap for [[Kelsier]].{{wob ref|2437}} Kelsier fell right into the trap and attacked the prisionprison cart guards as they passed by. With help from [[Hammond]], some skaa rebels, and the rest of the crew, he managed to rescue Spook and the rest of the prisoners, before being killed by the [[Lord Ruler]].{{book ref|mb1|33}}{{book ref|mb1|34}} After that, during the [[Collapse]], [[Dockson]] sent him to fetch some of Clubs' apprentices to run messages.{{book ref|mb1|35}}
=== Siege of Luthadel ===
Kelsier found a way to contact Spook in a dream and told him to forge an old Inquisitor spike into an earring. Spook managed to find a smith willing to do so and, against his better judgement, placed it on his ear. After that he was able to see Kelsier because, between his broken mind and the Hemalurgic spike, he was able to see far enough into the [[Cognitive Realm]]. Kelsier then convinced him that their ignorance of the [[cosmere]] has almost resulted in the destruction of Scadrial and that they needed to work together to learnalearn about the principles of the cosmere. Kelsier also implied that they could try to find a way to give Spook [[Feruchemy]], and thus the same powers the Lord Ruler had through [[Compounding]], and that he wanted to find a way to reutnreturn to the [[Physical Realm]].{{msh ref|epilogue}} Likely as a result of these investigations, Spook wrote a book on [[Hemalurgy]]{{book ref|sos|6}} and was later known for having asked whether [[Harmony]] had a God Metal.{{file ref|New Ascendancy broadsheet.jpg|''The New Ascendancy '' Broadsheet}}
According to [[Steris]], Spook ruled as an emperor for a century before stepping down from power, after which [[Elendel]] was no longer supposed to exercise direct authority over the rest of the [[Elendel Basin]].{{book ref|bom|5}} As a ruler, he built buildings for the poor trying to avoid the development of slums{{book ref|bom|3}} and enacted laws to give power to the common people like Elend wanted.{{book ref|bom|9}} He also exerted a personal influence on society; his Eastern street slang became known as [[High Imperial]] and was used for official documents.{{book ref|mb4|14}} It appears he did not enjoy all of the duties associated with kingship, as he had Breeze write most of his speeches for him.{{book ref|mb6|6}} By {{date|341|PC}}, his abilities as a Mistborn had tranformedtransformed him into a near-mythological figure and he was known as the "Lord Mistborn."{{book ref|aol|7}}
== Relationships ==
Spook had a particular relationship with Kelsier. The latter named him Spook and gave him a spot in his Crew. It was more than a favor to Clubs which is shown by Kelsier’s interest on talking with him on his native language and giving him moral support. After Kelsier’s death, much of Spook's efforts were to become someone that he would have been proud of{{book ref|mb3|14}} to the point where Ruin used this connection to impersonate Kelsier's voice in Spook’s mind.{{book ref|mb2|14}}
After his death, Kelsier continued to follow Spook. In Uretau, when he almost lost himself to anger and Ruin, Keliser sends him "Hope" messages which might have helped him get understanding and taking out his spike. Spooks exhaustion knocked him out and Keliser held him with PeservationPreservation's power, encouraging him and when Spook doubted his connection to Kelser he reminded Spook on who had named him. He saw Spook react at this and then, save the city.{{msh ref|6|5}} He also interceded for him with Sazed, asking him to fix Spook's body and make him a Mistborn.{{msh ref|6|9}}
=== Vin ===
Anonymous user