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m (probably my last edit for now. sorry for the edit flood, i'm new to this. more fixing sentence structure, etc.)
(changing to present tense, please revert if this isn't appropriate!!)
|books=[[Mistborn (series)]]
'''Spook''' wasis a skaa Misting on [[Scadrial]] in the [[Final Empire]] and workedworks in [[Kelsier's crew]]. His original name wasis '''Jedal''', after his father,{{qa ref|727|67|Jedal. After his father|date=2008-10-17}} but wentgoes by '''Lestibournes''' before [[Kelsier]] gavegives him his nickname of Spook. The name Lestibournes is a reference to the Eastern street slang phrase, 'lefting I'm born', which means 'I've been abandoned'. He wasis a [[Tin]]eye, and wasis [[Clubs]]' nephew.{{book ref|mb1|6}} He wasis fifteen during the [[Collapse]]{{book ref|mb2|part=ars}}
== The Skaa rebellion ==
During the skaa rebellion Spook wasis mainly involved as a sentry or lookout for the crew's hideout. He participatedparticipates in the crew's planning sessions, but rarely contributedcontributes to them. He becamebecomes infatuated with [[Vin]] and triedtries to court her, but she diddoes not reciprocate his feelings and instead becamebecomes romantically involved with [[Elend]].
== Siege of Luthadel ==
The rest of Kelsier's crew askedasks Spook to help them lead Elend and Vin away from Luthadel so that they would not be killed in the [[Siege of Luthadel|siege]]. He ledleads them away to the Terris mountains under the pretense of showing Vin to the [[Well of Ascension]]. Vin and Elend eventually realisedrealize that they hadhave been tricked, and Vin wasis able to return and save Luthadel.
== Urteau ==
During his stay at [[Urteau]], he becamebecomes an [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] savant, flaring tin all the time, to spy on [[Quellion]] and [[Beldre]].{{book ref|mb3|14}} He wasis corrupted by [[Ruin]] with a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike{{book ref|mb3|16}},which causedcauses him to have visions of [[Kelsier]] and grantedgrants him the ability to burn [[pewter]]. He eventually realizedrealizes this and pulledpulls the spike out of himself.{{book ref|mb3|58}} He wasis later called the '''Survivor of the Flames'''.{{book ref|mb3|38}}
== The Final Ascension ==
After the [[Final Ascension]], he ledleads the survivors into the ''new world'' created by [[Sazed]] and wasis given the full powers of a [[Allomancy#Mistborn|Mistborn]].{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}} However, he diddoes not have the strength of a [[lerasium]] Mistborn, but a Mistborn of the strength of a typical Allomancer around the end of The Final Empire. Sazed also healedheals the damage Spook had done to himself by becoming a tin Savant.
Spook was referred to as the '''Lord Mistborn'''. It is not clear what his role in that early government wasis, but he wasis clearly very prominent and powerful, judging by the fact that his Eastern street slang becamebecomes known as [[High Imperial]]. However, Spook is confirmed to have beenbe a "stud" after the Final Ascension,{{qa ref|977|26|Will we get stories about Spook?|date=2012-09}} having over a dozen children.{{qa ref|979|157|How many children did spook have?|date=Apr 15th, 2013}}
== Notes ==