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After his death, Kelsier continued to follow Spook. In Uretau, when he almost lost himself to anger and Ruin, Keliser sends him "Hope" messages which might have helped him get understanding and taking out his spike. Spooks exhaustion knocked him out and Keliser held him with Peservation's power, encouraging him and when Spook doubted his connection to Kelser he reminded Spook on who had named him. He saw Spook react at this and then, save the city.{{msh ref|6|5}} He also interceded for him with Sazed, asking to fix his body and make him a Mistborn. {{msh ref|6|9}}
| And you? What do you get from this?
| Spook to Kelsier on working together to better understand the Allomancy and Hermalugy {{book ref|bom|epilogue}}
=== Vin ===