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27 bytes added ,  1 year ago
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(Added the Spiritweb reading devices. (Put Fabrials outside of Surgebinding due to WoBs that Space Age Cosmere would be using Fabrial for any "magictech" sort of device))
==== Regrowth ====
[[Regrowth]] allows for healing both the Physical form of a living thing and its spiritweb, as does a sufficient amount of Stormlight. This likely functions by restoring one’s physical form to the state of their Spiritual Ideal.{{citewob ref|9441}} Regrowth can even go so far as to reattach the soul of one recently deceased, as seen with [[Szeth]].{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{book ref|sa3|90}}
=== Shardblades ===
A [[Shardblade]] can be stolen with Hemalurgy,{{wob ref|1153}}{{wob ref|4548}} because it is Connected to a person's spiritweb. When a Shardblade cuts through living matter, its edge fuzzes, leaving the physical body uninjured, whilst cutting the being's Cognitive self - not their spiritweb.{{book ref|sa1|13}}
==== Fabrials ====
There are fabrials that are capable of accurately reading a person's spiritweb. However, these devices tend to go haywire if the person being read is heavily Invested, such as a [[Returned]], [[Elantrian]], or an Elantrian[[yoki-hijo]].{{book ref|yumi|32}}
== Notes ==
