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The Spiritweb is related to "Spiritual DNA;" a person's Spiritual heritage from living on a specific [[Shardworld]].{{ref|?|622|64|They are all related to a kind of "Spiritual DNA"}} It is also passed down like regular DNA, from parents to children.{{ref|?|691|6|It's all in the spiritual DNA, which is passed on like normal DNA}} The Spiritweb is also implied to determine which manifestations of [[Investiture]] a person can utilize.{{ref|?|692|12|It depends on your spiritual DNA, what people are able to do, and things like that}}{{ref|?|691|6|It's all in the spiritual DNA, which is passed on like normal DNA}}
Some manifestations of Investiture seem to be built into a person's Spiritual DNA, like Allomancy and [[Feruchemy]]. Other times, such as in [[Hemalurgy]] and potentially [[Surgebinding]], involve manipulating Spiritual DNA. In Hemalurgy, portions of the Spiritweb seem to be ripped off of one person and grafted onto another person's Spiritweb.{{ref|?|428|80| Imagine there being a different overlay on a human body}} A Surgebinder's [[Nahel bond]] with a [[spren]] may work in a similar way, a spren becoming spiritually attached to a certain point on a person's Spiritweb, sort of like a non-invasive form of Hemalurgy. [[AonDor]] requires some innate Spiritual DNA, but the change that turns someone into an [[Elantrian]] likely involves some sort of change to the Spiritual DNA during the [[Shaod]]. The ability to give [[Breath]], which seems to be a part of a person's Spiritual aspect, appears to be built into a [[Nalthis|Nalthian]]'s Spritual DNA. As a [[Shardblade]] can be stolen with Hemalurgy,{{ref|17s ref|2383|post|42202|A novel use of Hemalurgy which is not outside the sphere of its powers.}} it seems likely that it is attached to a point in a person's Spiritweb as well.
== Notes ==
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