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A '''Spanreedspanreed''' is a type of [[Fabrial#Conjoiner| conjoiner fabrial]] developed during the [[War of Reckoning]] that enabled long distance communication on the world of [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}}
Spanreeds, like all conjoiner fabrials, are made by infusing a ruby and splitting it in half. The two halves are then embedded in reed pens. The two pens can then mimic the movements of the other, exactly. The energy required to for the second pen to move is provided by the holder of the first pen, which feels twice as heavy as an ordinary pen would.{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}}
[[Tashikk]] is beginning to become a spanreed hub, with a number of people and places having reeds connected to various businesses in Tashikk. The Tashikk operator is hired by the remote user to exchange messages, to research on your behalf, and to make other enquiries.{{book ref|sa2|24}}
You cannot operrateoperate Spanreedsspanreeds whilst moving.{{book ref|sa2|88}}
== Known Pairs ==