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|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Slowswift''' wasis a storyteller[[noble]] and poetstoryteller from [[Fadrex City]] on [[Scadrial]]. He hadis twoa cousins,friend of [[AledinAshweather Cett]] and assists [[TroalinVin]] on several occasions.{{wobbook ref|7769mb3|27}}{{book ref|mb3|43}}
==Appearance and Personality==
He acted as an informant for [[Ashweather Cett]], and was a personal friend.{{book ref|mb3|27}}
He is elderly, and has white hair and bushy eyebrows.{{book ref|mb3|27}} He wears a nobleman's suit, and adds a scarf and overcoat when outdoors.{{book ref|mb3|27}}{{book ref|mb3|43}} He is always seen smoking a pipe.{{book ref|mb3|27}}{{book ref|mb3|43}} He is very calm, measured, and observant; [[Vin]] finds him inscrutable.{{book ref|mb3|27}}
[[Vin]] asks him for information on [[Aradan Yomen]]. Vin also asked for his help at a ball in Fadrex, and his cousins, Aledin and Troalin, helped Vin escape observation.{{book ref|mb3|43}}
Slowswift was once a good friend of [[Ashweather Cett]]'s, and the two of them shared their writings with each other for a decade before Cett became increasingly involved in politics.{{book ref|mb3|27}} Slowswift preferred "longtales" about magical creatures to Cett's gritty, realistic poetry.{{book ref|mb3|27}} He remained in touch with Cett, although he believed that power had made him "brutal" because he tried too hard.{{book ref|mb3|27}}
He was included in a list of potential informants that Cett provided to [[Elend]] and Vin when they hoped to get a better understanding of the current political and social climate in the [[Western Dominance]].{{book ref|mb3|25}} Vin approached Slowswift at his mansion in Fadrex City and confirmed that he was not an [[Allomancer]].{{book ref|mb3|27}} He was knowledgeable about current events in Scadrial and told Vin that he had a "wealth of information". Vin asked about [[Aradan Yomen]]; Slowswift surprised her by claiming that Yomen was a good man, which he genuinely believed to be the case.{{wob ref|7557}} They discussed the plight of the [[skaa]] and Vin's confusion about their seeming desire to return to oppression; Slowswift pointed out that Yomen was doing what needed to be done in order to maintain stability, including throwing a ball that night at [[Keep Orielle]].{{book ref|mb3|27}} When Vin asked about Yomen's weaknesses, Slowswift was not cooperative, but eventually relented after Vin gave an impassioned speech on the need for change.{{wob ref|7558}} Slowswift may have also been influenced by Vin's status as the potential [[Hero of Ages]].{{book ref|mb3|27}} He told Vin that Yomen was only a mediocre leader, and that his unfailing belief in the [[Lord Ruler]] sometimes limited his effectiveness. He also implied that Yomen's unusual wealth could stem from an [[atium]] cache.{{book ref|mb3|27}} Despite his respect for Vin, he still demanded payment for his help.{{book ref|mb3|27}}
Vin ended up attending the ball at Keep Orielle, and Slowswift was also present. Vin was being closely watched by Yomen's spies, but managed to ask Slowswift for his help.{{book ref|mb3|43}} Slowswift had two cousins named [[Aledin]] and [[Troalin]]; their mother, presumably Slowswift's aunt, had been executed by the [[Steel Ministry]] after a dalliance with a [[skaa]]. Yomen had swept the execution under the rug, and Slowswift knew that they still held a grudge against him.{{wob ref|7769}} Slowswift arranged for the cousins to help Vin escape observation.{{book ref|mb3|43}} After assisting Vin, the cousins were discovered and thrown in jail; they became leaders under [[Spook]] after the [[Catacendre]],{{wob ref|7769}} but Slowswift's fate is unknown.
== Trivia ==
*Slowswift is an homage to J.R.R. Tolkien.{{wob ref|5760}}{{wob ref|8207}} The name "Slowswift" ishonors anTolkien's homagepenchant tofor Grandpawordplay, Tolkien|date=2008-10-15|event=Heroand his physical appearance and love of Agesmagical Q&Acreatures are also modeled after Tolkien.{{wob ref|7555}}
== Notes ==
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