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Siri is a hasty and impulsive youth.{{book ref|wb|44}} Though she also has an inner steel as proven by her ability to survive in the [[Court of Gods]] and learning to control her hair in tense situations such as her confrontations with [[Treledees]].{{book ref|wb|40}} This is also emphasised by her stubbornness which she uses to strengthen her in difficult situations.{{book ref|wb|7}}
She struggles with some feelings of inferiority especially when compared with her 'perfect' sister [[Vivenna]].{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|4}} She likes being spontaneous and colourfulcolorful, unlike her elder sister. This makes her feel a failure in [[Idris]], but helps her excel in [[T'Telir]].
== History ==
=== Childhood ===
Siri is the youngest child of the Idrian royal family, and spent most of her youth feeling and being largely redundant. Her oldest sister, [[Vivenna]], was being raised to marry the Hallandren [[God King]], her only brother [[Ridger]] was set to become the next king of Idris, and the second-youngest daughter, [[Fafen]], had joined the [[Austrism| Austrin Monasteries]], as one child from each Idrian family was expected to do. Siri had no particular expectations on her, and so whiled away her days ignoring her tutors and pushing Austrism's conservative limits. She refused to control her Royal Locks, instead letting her hair always reflect her emotions; she picked colorful flowers and gave them to the children of [[Bevalis]]. Her father typically ordered Siri to work in the royal kitchen when he bothered to address her misbehavior at all. Unbeknownst to him Siri was friends with the cook, [[Mab]], and enjoyed the work.{{book ref|wb|1}}
=== Arrival in Hallandren ===
Soon after the book begins, King Dedelin decided to send Siri to wed the God King in Vivenna's place. So at seventeen, Siri found herself ripped from her carefree life and deposited in a carriage to [[T'Telir]]. She spent the journey trying to come to terms with her father's decision, mostly by yelling her confusion at the small group of guards that accompany her.{{book ref|wb|4}}
As she arrived in the capital, Siri was taken aback at the massive [[Lifeless]] honor guard that met her, and the pervasive color that decorated every person, building, and market ware. She gathered herself enough to order her equally overwhelmed guards to leave her and return home, and Siri vanished alone into the [[Court of Gods]].{{book ref|wb|5}}
Siri was stripped, bathed, dressed, and groomed in a whirlwind of activity as a [[Pahn Kahl]] scribe called [[Bluefingers]] explained that there would be no formal wedding ceremony, she, the [[Vessel]], would simply enter the God King's bedchambers and await his whim. She was told she could not talk to, make eye contact with, kiss, or even proactively touch the [[Susebron]], but must enter, strip, kneel, and wait for his signal to approach the bed. Then Siri was led, in a dress magnitudes more extravagant than anything she had ever seen, to the God King's chambers.{{book ref|wb|6}}
Siri spent that night, and many after it, kneeling until she passed out from exhaustion in front of a silent, unmoving figure who would be gone when she awoke.
After a week Siri was presented to the Court of Gods where she met [[Lightsong]].{{book ref|wb|16}}
Over the course of several weeks Siri acted out by degrees: she sat up and made eye contact with Susebron, she refused to completely strip, she began curling up in her dresses and sleeping on the floor, and finally, after [[Treledees]] informed her that the priests listened in on the chamber at night, she faked the sounds of sex and fell asleep on the bed. Each night the God- King only watched her silently.{{book ref|wb|15}}
=== Befriending Susebron ===
Eventually Siri realized that she and Susebron had fallen in love, and they began actually sleeping together.{{book ref|wb|44}}
Being concerned with both her and Susebron's safety, when Susebron's High Priest talks to her and guesses how she's thinking, she realisesrealizes that the priests are 'reading' her emotions from her hair and begins practising keeping it stable, as her sister [[Vivenna]] always did. By the end of the book, it is mentioned by her sister that she now seems to be very good at the skill.
=== The Pahn Kahl Rebellion ===
Siri devised a plan to explain to Lightsong that Susebron could not speak, and with him convince the other [[Returned]] to demand to hear from their king, exposing the priests' deception; however as she headed to the Assembly to meet with Lightsong, she was cut off by a group of priests. They informed her that she was to go into seclusion due to her "pregnancy" and moved her to a room outside of which they posted a guard.{{book ref|wb|48}}
Siri waited in the room, occasionally hearing the sounds of fighting, until Treledees appeared and took her to another room, full of priests who surrounded Susebron. Bluefingers offered to take the two of them through the tunnels to the docks, and Treledees assented, but as they headed out of the room Siri realized that the Pahn Kahl are the only group likely to benefit from the conflict that had consumed the God King's palace and would soon consume two nations. She confronted Bluefingers and he ran off.