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== Uses ==
=== Threnody ===
Silver is a significant substance and a valuable currency in the [[Forests of Hell]], as it is known to repel [[shade]]s. Shades that touch it are thrown backward, though the touch of the spirits blacken and ruin the metal. A ring of silver is installed around every house to ward off the shades, and the ring needs to be maintained regularly.{{book ref|sfs}} Silver is particularly dangerous to shades for unknown reasons.{{wob ref|16281}}
Silver can also heal the effects of a shade attack. Silver dust is applied immediately to areas of the body that are affected, reversing the necrotic effects of the shade's touch. Applying silver too late would have no effect on the wound.{{book ref|sfs}}
On Roshar, silver could potentially be used to permanently kill [[spren]], unlike aluminum.{{wob ref|15671}}{{wob ref|16281}} A silver-nickel alloy houses the [[polestone]] on the pommel of at least one [[Raysium]] dagger used by the [[Fused]], but the metal does not affect the dagger's function.{{file ref|Navani's Notebook - Dagger.jpg|Navani's Notebook - Raboniel's Soul-Harvesting Dagger}}
== Trivia ==