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;Discerner's Lenses: Tell the wearer how old something is in the form of a glow that grows duller the older the object is.{{book ref|scrivener's bones|8}}Their tint is unknown.
;Disguisers Lenses: Allow the wearer to look like anything they want, but the lenses are visible within the disguise. They are tinted lavender.
;Educator's Lenses: When worn, time slows for the wearer.{{book ref|shattered lens|four teens and a pickle}} Unknown tint.
;Firebringer's Lenses: Throws a line of fire, almost like a laser, at the target. They are tinted clear with a small red dot at the center of each lens.
;Frostbringer's Lenses: A Lens that is essentially the opposite of the Firebringers Lens, this Lens can direct a beam of frost at the target. This Lens is used by the Scrivener Bones.