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(Finished WoK mentions)
(WoR update)
== Appearance and Personality ==
{{image|Sigzil by paintweaver.jpg|side=left|width=200px}}
|My master trained me to ask questions, so I’m asking them. Something doesn’t make sense about this whole matter.
|Sigzil thinking about the [[Assassin in White]]{{book ref|sa2|41}}
Sigzil is clean-shaven with dark brown skin and thick black hair.{{book ref|sa1|14}}{{book ref|sa1|40}} He is considered average height in Azir, which makes him short compared to most [[Alethi]]. He has a [[Bridge Four]] tattoo on his forehead covering the place where he used to be branded with a slave mark.{{book ref|sa3|35}}
{{image|Sigzil Shuravf.jpg|side=right|width=200px}}
Sigzil has been trained with the spear and spearmenspearman tactics andby was at least aware of military tactics before becoming a bridgeman. He is proficient enough to both train spearmenKaladin, and leadhe squadsuses asthe aweapon part of Bridge Four"acceptably."{{citebook ref|sa2|12}}
He was at least aware of military tactics before becoming a bridgeman. He is proficient enough to both train spearmen and lead squads as a part of Bridge Four.{{cite}}
He has sworn at least the [[Immortal Words#The First Ideal|First Ideal]] of the [[Knights Radiant]] and is one of Kaladin's squires, which allows him to draw in Stormlight and use the [[Surge]]s of [[Surgebinding#Gravitation|Gravitation]] and [[Surgebinding#Adhesion|Adhesion]] when Kaladin is nearby.{{book ref|sa3|35}}
=== Lieutenant ===
{{image|Sigzil by paintweaver.jpg|side=leftright|width=200px}}
After Dalinar secured the [[Battlelives of the Tower]]bridgemen whenand Bridge Four transferstransfered to Dalinar's army, Kaladin promoted himSigzil to the rank of lieutenant and appointed him the bridge crewscrew's clerk, since he was the only member of Bridge Four who could read [[glyphs]]. He joined with the rest of the crew when they got "freedom" and "Bridge Four" glyphs tattooed on their foreheads over their slave brands.{{book ref|sa2|2}}{{wob ref|4076}}
Sigzil devised experiments to measure and document the extent of Kaladin's [[Windrunner]] abilities and finally put them into practice the day Kaladin, [[Teft]], [[Rock]], [[Lopen]], and he led the first group of forty bridgemen into the chasms to train them.{{book ref|sa2|10}} He timed how long a rock infused with Stormlight and stuck to the wall would stay before falling, and was put out that he could not see the spren surrounding the rock like Kaladin and Rock could. When he realized there were too many variables for his experiments to be meaningful, they changed tactics and practiced fighting against Kaladin to give him an opportunity to put his abilities to practical use.{{book ref|sa2|12}}
Sigzil performed experiments using Kaladin as the primary subject to measure and document the extent of his [[Windrunner]] abilities.{{book ref|sa2|12}}
Sigzil sent regular reports to Kaladin detailing the status of their troops and supplies, as well as creating routes for Kaladin and Teft to take the trainees on patrol beyond the [[Shattered Plains#Warcamps|warcamps]].{{book ref|sa2|18}} He also continued meeting with Rock and Lopen in the chasms to help Kaladin gain control over his powers, during those times using his own former master's training to ask pointed and analytical questions about how the Parshendi gained control over a [[Shin]] assassin and who might have sabotaged [[Elhokar]]'s railing.{{book ref|sa2|41}}
He, Lopen, and [[Peet]] sometimes went to the market on nights off, accompanied at times by Teft or [[Moash]].{{book ref|sa2|41}}{{book ref|sa2|46}} Sigzil, who liked to be informed, listened to the criers' news and bought some [[chouta]] on the way to the tavern one night when Kaladin was with the group. He brought up the topic of housing the married men of Bridge Four as they watched Peet conversing with [[Ka]]. When the [[Horneater Peaks]] came up in conversation, he started telling the others about them until Rock took over and told them the [[Horneater]]s' version of their creation. Sigzil recognized Hoid when Rock mentioned meeting a white-haired god coming up from the [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity|peak ocean]].{{book ref|sa2|46}}
The day of [[Adolin]]'s duel against four others, Sigzil was one of forty guards Kaladin brought to guard the Kholins, including the king, during the duel, and he spent the time before the event trying and failing to convince Kaladin to reveal his powers.{{book ref|sa2|56}} After Kaladin was lost in the chasms on the expedition to take [[Shallan]] to see a [[chasmfiend]] chrysalis, Sigzil took shifts with the others awaiting his return. When he had a shift with Teft, he taught him to play [[Michim|michim]]. Teft revealed more about his past then than he had at any other time, feeling prompted to speak by Sigzil's quiet attentiveness.{{book ref|sa2|71}}
Having survived the [[Battle of Narak]], Sigzil and other members of Bridge Four waited for Kaladin on the plateau that served as Narak's [[Oathgate]]. He walked Kaladin through using [[Syl]] as a [[Shardblade]] to activate the platform, taking them to [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa2|87}}
=== Windrunner Squire ===
Later he organized experiments on the effect the [[Surgebinding#Gravitation|Surge of Gravitation]] on all of Bridge Four and coached other bridgemen on drawing in Stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{book ref|sa3|46}}
== Trivia ==
* Sigzil has not been off Roshar, despite being Hoid's apprentice.{{wob ref|4076}}
== Notes ==