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{{update|book=sa2}}'''Shardbearer''' was a term used to refer to someone who held a '''Shardblade''' or a suit of '''Shardplate'''. If someone held both a [[Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate]], they were considered a "Full Shardbearer."
They had to wait ten hearbeats (which the [[Shardbearer]] could hear no matter how loud his surroundings) after summoning the Shardblade before it appeared. When a Shardblade appeared, it formed as is from mist, wet with dew. If the Blade was dropped or put down when the [[Shardbearer]] was still alive, the Shardblade would vanish unless the bearer willed it to remain. However, when the '''Shardbearer''' died, the Shardblade remained corporeal and could be claimed by another.