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612 bytes added ,  8 years ago
In conjunction with the above, the one vulnerable spot on Plate is the eye slit. With luck, skill, or by somehow restraining the Shardbearer, a knife or arrow can be stabbed through this slot; at that specific spot, many wounds will be instantly fatal.
Effective tactics used against Shardplate include massive, blunt projectiles. At the Battle of the Tower, listeners used two-handed slings to hurl head-sized rocks. A single blow was enough to make cracks in an unharmed section of Plate.
Bladed or pointed weapons (arrows, spears, swords) typically don't carry enough force to damage Plate, but if Plate is already cracked and an edge catches it, the blow can widen the crack. It's conceivable that a Shardbearer, used to ignoring spear strikes that would normally barely scratch his paint, might be unprepared to respond to an effective use of this weakness.
== Notes ==
