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Shardblades can cut through non-living objects, such as wood or stone, as if they are passing through water.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Even though they can cut through nearly any material, there is still a slight bit of resistance even when cutting through inanimate objects.{{book ref|sa2|44}} However, when swung at a person or other living object, the edge of the Shardblade will fuzz, leaving the physical body unharmed, and cutting the being's soul. The wielder of the Blade feels a small tug of resistance as the Blade passes through living material.{{book ref|sa1|13}} If the Blade cuts the core of a person's limb, the person feels a flash of incredible pain and then the limb turns gray and becomes limp and numb.{{book ref|sa2|32}} If an internal organ is pierced by a Shardblade, it can may be killed or cease to function.{{book ref|sa1|13}} If the Blade strikes the spine or head, the eyes of the person blacken and burn out with a dark smoke rising from them.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} When a person is killed this way by a Shardblade, death is not instantaneous; it often takes a few moments for the person to be completely dead.{{book ref|edgedancer|8}} Once a person or other living thing has been killed, its remains can be cut like any other inanimate object.{{book ref|sa2|72}} This applies to plants as well; it takes two swings of a Shardblade to sever a plant, one to kill the soul and another to cut it. Non-living portions of a living thing, such as hair or nails can be cut with a Shardblade before the creature itself is killed.{{book ref|sa1|13}} Parts of a body that have been damaged by a Shardblade are typically referred to as Blade-dead.{{book ref|sa2|56}}
Shardblades cannot be blocked by any typical weapons or armor, but they can be halted by a few things. One Shardblade can block another Shardblade,{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} and when the two collide they may produce sparks.{{book ref|sa1|68}} Shardplate can also stop a Shardblade, although two blows to a section of Shardplate is typically enough to shatter it.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} The [[half-shard]]s of [[Jah Keved]] were also designed by more modern artifabrians to be resistant to Shardblades.{{book ref|sa1|22}} These are shields with an [[Augmenter]] attached,{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} allowing them to withstand two blows from a Shardblade before breaking.{{book ref|sa1|i|9}} The final known way to block a Shardblade is with [[aluminum]],{{17swob ref|postdate=2017-02-17|5325891437|text=...An [A]Evening shardbladewith wouldBrandon not cut aluminum.|date=3 February 2017Sanderson}} which is a rare material on Roshar as it can only be obtained through [[Soulcasting]].{{book ref|sa2|48}} It is worth noting that the aluminum only nullifies the supernatural sharpness of the Blade, so a thin sheet of aluminum foil would be sheared through easily by a Blade.{{17swob ref|postdate=2017-01-01|5339031442|text=Aluminum would stop Shardblades from magical cutting. But if its too thin like foil, a sword...|date=7General FebruaryTwitter 2017}}
=== Healing Shardblade Wounds ===
There are only two known ways for a Shardblade wound to be healed. A Radiant who is infused with [[Stormlight]] is capable of healing themselves when they are wounded by a Shardblade, but it requires a large amount of Stormlight.{{book ref|sa2|33}} When a Radiant heals a Shardblade wound on themselves, they create an entirely new piece of soul to replace the old and graft it on to their [[Spiritweb]], leaving a scar behind.{{17swob ref|postdate=2015-02-20|239329126|2015Firefight Chicago Signing Report|date=20 Febuary 2015signing}} This healing leaves the wounded limb weakened and aching for a time afterwards.{{book ref|sa2|33}} It is unknown if there is any time limit on how long the Radiant has to heal himself. This process is seemingly incapable of saving a Radiant from the instantaneous death of a Shardblade wound to head or spine. The [[Surge]] of Progression allows for a process known as Regrowth,{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} which is capable of healing Shardblade wounds or even death by Shardblade.{{book ref|edgedancer|8}} It requires near-immediate healing though, and a significant amount of power. Regrowth [[fabrial]]s can be created, and were put to use by Radiants before the Recreance.{{book ref|sa1|19}} A potential third way to heal a Shardblade wound is making use of a fabrial such as this, but it is as of yet uncertain.
== Types ==
''Main article: [[Honorblade]]s''
The Honorblades are a variety of Shardblades.{{qawob ref|986|7|[T]he reason for it being called a shardblade is because honourblades are shardblades.|date=2012-10-30 October|2807|Hal-Con 2012}} They are the ten weapons of the Heralds, given to them by the [[Shard]] [[Honor]].{{book ref|sa2|87}} They are weapons of power beyond that of the average Shardblades of the Radiants.{{book ref|sa|part=prelude}} Each Honorblade is a work of art, flowing and inscribed with [[glyph]]s and patterns. The Honorblade of each Herald grants [[Surgebinding]] abilities that corresponded with the order of Radiants that its Herald led.{{book ref|sa2|87}} The Honorblades, unlike the Shardblades, are not made from a bond with a spren. This means that they can be used indiscriminately, without regard for oaths or anything else. The Heralds abandoned these Blades in an attempt to end the [[Oathpact]],{{book ref|sa|part=prelude}} so they can now be used like any other Shardblade,{{qawob ref|1080date=2014-03-19|132897|YouWords mentionedof thatRadiance humanDayton can’t bond Honorblades, but Nalan tells Szeth that his bond with his Honorblade has been broken. Can you clear this up?|date=19 March 2014signing}} although they do still grant Surgebinding abilities.{{book ref|sa2|87}}
{{sidequote|The Heralds glow like the sun, wield the Honorblades, and speak with the voices of a thousand trumpets. They could cast down buildings with a command, force the storms to obey, and heal with a touch.|[[Shallan]]'s thoughts on the Heralds{{book ref|sa2|63}}|right|300px;}}
Seven of the Honorblades are held by the [[Shin]], who have kept them safe for millenia.{{book ref|sa2|88}} The Honorblade of [[Jezrien]] is held by [[Kaladin]] but it is not bonded to him.{{book ref|sa2|87}} [[Talenel]]'s Honorblade has been stolen by persons unknown.{{qawob ref|1115date=2015-01-17|338850|TheFirefight ShardbladeSan thatFrancisco Dalinar had at the end of Words of Radiance, was that the Honorblade?|date=17 January 2015signing}} The Blade he arrived at [[Kholinar]] with was swapped at some point for the Shardblade that was brought with him to the [[Shattered Plains]]. The final Honorblade is in the possession of [[Nale]],{{qawob ref|1178date=2016-11-29|12562|He'sArcanum usingUnbounded hisFort originalCollins Honorblade.|date=29 November 2016signing}} he went back to retrieve his Blade after abandoning the Oathpact.{{17swob ref|postdate=2013-01-01|800012909|OneGeneral Herald (other than Taln) kept his honorblade (or, at least, took it back).|date=8Signed DecemberBooks 2013}}
The Honorblades are bonded like a typical dead Shardblade, taking ten heartbeats to summon.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} It is unknown if a gem needs to be added to them in the wake of the Heralds’ betrayal of the Oathpact. Honorblades also change the color of a person's eyes to the color that corresponds with the abilities that particular Honorblade grants.{{book ref|sa1|i|3}} For instance, Jezrien's Honorblade turns its owner's eyes a sapphire blue. However, that only occurs while the Blade is summoned. Once it is dismissed, its holder's eyes are returned to their natural color. Unlike dead Shardblades, Honorblades do not vanish automatically if the Blade is dropped, they must be intentionally dismissed.{{qawob ref|1080date=2014-03-19|132897|YouWords mentionedof thatRadiance humanDayton can’t bond Honorblades, but Nalan tells Szeth that his bond with his Honorblade has been broken. Can you clear this up?|date=19 March 2014signing}}
=== Radiant Shardblades ===
Radiant Shardblades are granted to people who are on the path to becoming a full Radiant and have sworn a particular oath of the [[Immortal Words]]{{book ref|sa2|84}} which varies from order to order.{{qawob ref|1108date=2014-03-14|337873|Is there a specific #Words of IdealsRadiance thatOmaha they have to do before they can get the Shardblade?|date=13 March 2014signing}} At that point, the spren belonging to the Radiant will gain the ability to become a Shardblade unique to that particular Knight Radiant.{{book ref|sa2|84}} Prior to a Radiant gaining their Blade, their Nahel spren are forbidden from telling them anything about where they get their Blade, although they are not above dropping hints.{{book ref|edgedancer|2}} As long as the spren is with the Radiant the spren can transform into a Blade instantaneously.{{book ref|sa2|86}} The spren becomes mist and coalesces into the Blade when it is desired,{{book ref|sa2|84}} and then reappears out of the mist when the Blade is dismissed.{{book ref|sa2|86}} If the Radiant is a darkeyes, their eyes are lightened,{{book ref|sa2|85}} though this effect is temporary and lasts only for about 8 hours after each time they summon the blade, at least initially. It is probable that the effect will eventually become permanent. Each Radiant's eyes also change to the specific color that corresponds with their order.{{qa ref|1088|56|Will a Surgebinder's eye color change when they Surgebind or have a Blade... Is the color of their eyes corresponding to their Order?|date=22 March 2014}} This effect may not occur or be less noticeable if the person is already lighteyed.{{qa ref|1133|81|‘Cause they were already light? So it only affects lightness or darkness in the eyes, not necessarily any other color?|date=20 February 2015}}
{{sidequote|The Honorblades are what we are based on, Kaladin. Honor gave these to men, and those men gained powers from them. Spren figured out what He'd done, and we imitated it.|Syl to Kaladin{{book ref|sa2|87}}|right|300px;}}