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== Description ==
There are at least three types of Shardblades{{17s ref|2383|post|42215|Effects of using a Shardblade against its purpose?|date=26 September 2012}}. Out of those, two types have been identified.
Shardblades of the first type are about six feet long and a handspan wide and have only one edge. Those are the more common Shardblades.
The second type-Blades are also long, but thin and edged on both sides. They are smaller than the others. A Blade of that type is carried by [[Szeth]].{{book ref|wok|prologue}}
Often, the Shardblade is somehow ornamented along the blade.
One can possess more than one Shardblade{{qa ref|836|18|Can you have more than one Shardblade?|date=Sep 22nd, 2012}}. It's also possible to dual-wield Shardblades{{qa ref|97977|163|You said that a person can have more than one Shardblade--can they be dual-wielded?|date=2012-09}}, though the two cannot be summoned concurrently.{{qa ref|977|189|Separate summoning for multiple shardblades|date=2012-09}}
== Magical abilities ==
Shardblades can cut easily through anything inanimate, like stone or steel.{{book ref|wok|prologue}} In contrast to this, they cut through flesh without leaving a mark or spilling blood. However, when passing through the spine of a human, his eyes smoke and burn, blacken and shrivel up in their head.{{book ref|wok|prologue}} It is said to sever the soul itself. However, once a creature is killed, the remains interact with the Shardblade like any other non-living material. Also, when the Shardblade cut through a limb rather than the spine of a creature, the limb is "killed" and is paralyzed beyond the point of healing, except to someone who has the ability to absorb stormlight, as this ability was not just limited to the Radiants. Healing a severed limb by stormlight required massive amounts of stormlight forced into the limb to reconnect that limb to the soul as was performed by Kaladin in both of his fights with The Assassin in White. Other types of magic could potentially heal such damage, though.{{qa ref|979|166|Healing "severed" limbs|date=Apr 15th, 2013}}
The weapon can only be blocked by another Shardblade, by Shardplate or by [[Half-shard]]s.
== Cosmere Background ==
Shardblades are Invested objects.{{qa ref|593|10|Who would win in a fight between Szeth and Marsh?|date=Feb 28th, 2011}} It has been theorized that they are stored in the Spiritual Realm when not used. They also seem to "cut" in the Spiritual Realm, killing the soul of people and not their bodies. A Shardblade bonds with its bearer.{{17s ref|2383|post|42189|If two people grabbed the hilt of a Shardblade at the same time and then it got knocked out of their hands, which one could resummon it?|date=26 September 2012}} This seems to indicate a connection with [[Honor]]. It has been theorized that they have been created by the [[Almighty]] who himself is known to be [[Honor]]. They also seem to have a connection with the [[Honorblade]]s carried by the [[Herald]]s.
It is thought that [[Helaran Davar]] owned a Shardblade, until his death at the hands of [[Kaladin]].{{book ref|twok|47}} His blade would be the one now owned by [[Amaram]].{{book ref|twok|51}}