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'''Shardblades''' are magical weapons that can be found on [[Roshar]]. People who possess a Shardblade are called [[Shardbearer]]. They are generally associated with [[Shardplate]], its armor-complement.
== History ==
Much is still unknown about the origins of shardblades but at some point in the past the [[Spren]] began forming [[Surgebinding#Nahel Bond|Nahel Bonds]] with humans in an attempt to copy what [[Honor]] had done when he created the [[Herald]]s.{{ref|b|wor|c|4}} This bond not only granted the humans access to [[Surgebinding#Surgebindings|Surges]] but also allowed their spren to become shardblades when the bond had strengthened to a certain point.{{ref|b|wor|c|84}} These surgebinding shardbearers later becoming known as the [[Knights Radiant]].