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== Cosmere Background ==
Shardblades were Invested objects.{{ref|?|593|10|Who would win in a fight between Szeth and Marsh?}} It has been theorized that they are stored in the Spiritual Realm, when not used. Also it seems to produce its effect in the Spiritual Realm, killing the soul of people and not the body. A Shardblade bonds with its bearer.{{citeref|17s|2383|post|42189|If two people grabbed the hilt of a Shardblade at the same time and then it got knocked out of their hands, which one could resummon it?}} This seems to indicate a connection with [[Honor]]. It has been theorized that have been created by the [[Almighty]] who himself is theorized to be [[Honor]]. They also seem to have a connection with [[Honorblade]]s carried by the [[Herald]]s.
It is thought that [[Helaran Davar]] owned a Shardblade, until his death at the hands of [[Kaladin]]. His blade would be the one now owned by [[Amaram]].
