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As the [[Nahel bond]] with the original Radiant seems to have been severed, a new bond has to be formed in order for a Blade to be summoned and dismissed. When a new owner touches a Shardblade for the first time, the gemstone on the pommel flashes.{{book ref|sa1|51}}{{book ref|sa2|66}} The person who wishes to bond with the Blade must keep in close quarters to it for five days before the bond is set.{{book ref|sa2|5}} At that point they can summon and dismiss it. The spren inside the Blades are not completely dead, just mostly.{{book ref|sa2|87}} As they are a little alive, they can sync a heartbeat to their [[Ten Essences|essence]]. It takes ten heartbeats for a dead spren to be revived and summoned as a Shardblade. Once a person is bonded to a dead Shardblade, their eyes do lighten if they are not already lighteyes.{{book ref|sa2|68}} Since the gemstone on the pommel is the basis for the bond between a Blade and its owner, if the gemstone is removed or damaged, its owner will be unable to summon or dismiss the Blade until the gemstone is replaced.{{wob ref|date=2017-02-10|1844|/r/fantasy AMA 2017}}
When the holder of a dead Shardblade is killed, the Shardblade appears on the ground next to them. A dead Shardblade may also be given up willingly. This process of breaking the bond requires intense concentration and touching the gemstone of the Blade.{{book ref|sa2|89}} When the bond is severed completely, the gemstone on the pommel flashes.{{book ref|sa2|14}} A person may be bonded with multiple dead Shardblades but they have to be summoned individually.{{qawob ref|977date=2012-09-25|1891260|If17th aShard characterForum bears multiple Shardblades, can they summon them all in the same ten heartbeat span, or does each Shardblade require a separate summoning?|date=28 September 2012Q&A}}
{{sidequote|It just feels wrong to me. I hate it. Iā€™m glad he got rid of it. Makes him a better man.|Syl on Dalinar giving up Oathbringer{{book ref|sa1|73}}|right|300px;}}
Sprens of dead shardblades manifest as sprens "where the eyes had been scraped off"{{book ref|sa3|89}} in Shadesmar, named "[[Deadeye]]s" by other spren.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
Dead Shardblades may be returned to their previous function if their previous Radiant recommits themselves to their abandoned oaths.{{book ref|sa2|86}} Their spren can be reawoken and the dead Shardblade returns to its previous functionality. However, once their original Radiant has died, there is no known way to bond with the dead spren, heal their mind, and repair the Blade. It is possible for someone speaking the oaths of the Radiants to heal the spren within the Blade, but it would be very difficult.{{qawob ref|1107date=2015-01-05|27095|IsFirefight itrelease possible then to reawaken a shard blade if that blade is wielded by someone who speaks the oaths of a Knights Radiant?|date=8 March 2014party}} The spren has had some portion of their consciousness torn away when the Nahel bond was broken and this chunk would have to be replaced to fix the Blade.{{qa ref|1107|3|So you would basically have to replace the part that was lost to wake them up?|date=8 March 2014}}. [[Adolin Kholin]] appears to be restoring the spren of his shardblade, finding out that it may have been named "Mayalaran".{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== History ==
The Radiants continued on, independently of the Heralds for several hundred years at least, until the [[Day of Recreance]], when the Radiants abandoned their Shards for unknown reasons.{{book ref|sa1|52}} When the Radiants laid down their Shards at the Recreance, they broke their bonds with their spren by betraying their oaths, killing them and trapping their bodies within the Shardblades they left behind,{{book ref|sa2|87}} leaving the spren in a state of eternal agony.{{qa ref|1107|2|Is it possible then to reawaken a shard blade if that blade is wielded by someone who speaks the oaths of a Knights Radiant?|date=8 March 2014}} Initially, when the Radiants abandoned their Shardblades, the Blades remained fantastically sharp, but could no longer be bound to a person or summoned.{{book ref|sa1|67}} This betrayal of the Nahel spren broke their trust with humankind.{{book ref|sa2|3}} They refused to bond with men anymore and returned to Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa1|17}} At some point during the [[Era of Solitude]], the [[Herald]] [[Nale]] retrieved his own Honorblade for reasons unknown.{{qa ref|1178|1|He's using his original Honorblade.|date=29 November 2016}}
A few decades after the Recreance, a process was discovered to add a gemstone to the pommels of the Shardblades.{{book ref|sa2|67}} The Shardblades even shifted form to allow for the gemstones. This returned some of their old function to the dead Blades. They could once again be summoned, but they were not the same. For the next several hundred years following the Recreance, Shardblades were prized among nations of the world both as weapons of war{{book ref|sa1|29}} and symbols of power.{{book ref|sa1|23}} These Blades were considered to be heirlooms, and their paths and histories are accounted for through the generations.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}} In the years following the Recreance, a book called [[Arts and Majesty]] was written, dividing disciplines into masculine and feminine.{{book ref|sa2|25}} It claimed that masculine tasks were those done with two hands, while feminine tasks could be done with one. This was an attempt by men to gain exclusive control over Shardblades;{{qawob ref|1070date=2014-03-08|86245|SomeoneWords else'sof questionRadiance wasSeattle about the safehand and Brandon gave new information on it.|date=4 March 2014signing}} an attempt that was almost entirely successful.{{book ref|sa1|19}} During this time, Shardblades were also used for some unusual purposes, such as carving the city of [[Yeddaw]] out of the ground.{{book ref|edgedancer|2}}
It is uncertain if or when any new Radiants crafted Shardblades during this time period. It seems unlikely, as the Nahel spren had all retreated to their homeland of [[Shadesmar]].{{book ref|sa1|17}} There may have been a few dissident spren, similar to [[Sylphrena]]{{book ref|sa2|32}} or [[Ivory]]{{book ref|sa2|3}} but if there were any, they were few and far between. It is likely that any few Radiants arising during this time were killed by Nale, as he had been working for centuries to prevent the return of the Radiants.{{au ref|edgedancer}}
| [[Adolin Kholin]] on being a Shardbearer{{book ref|sa2|49}}
According to Vorin doctrine, the Shardblades were gifts from the Almighty, used to fight the Voidbringers, who were said to have skin of stone.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} As humanity was barely making spears, and their metalworking was incredibly basic, they needed the aid of their god to drive the Voidbringers from Roshar and the Tranquiline Halls and back into Damnation.{{book ref|sa1|61}} While the Radiants were initially a force for good,{{book ref|sa1|61}} it is said that over time they became corrupt{{book ref|sa1|21}} and eventually betrayed mankind in some way, possibly helping the other side.{{book ref|sa1|43}} Thereafter they were known as the Lost Radiants, and some began to say that their powers had been a curse{{book ref|sa2|3}} or merely fanciful tales.{{book ref|sa2|5}} The Honorblades have been elevated to a place of legend,{{book ref|sa1|19}} considered to be mythological treasures.{{book ref|sa1|29}} In Vorinism, it is not believed that being killed by a Shardblade destroys the soul, likely due to their connection to the Radiants.{{urlwob ref|urldate=https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/51u8qu/oathbringer_spoilers_stormlight_three_update_4/d7g7xkv/?context=32016-09-16|text=Brandon3754|Stormlight SandersonThree reddit response - 9 September 2016|site=reddit:Update r/fantasy#4}}
Stories of heroes wielding Shardblades were pervasive among the peoples of Roshar, particularly the Vorin darkeyed.{{book ref|sa1|16}} Young children play at having Shardblades, and dream of growing up to join the army and win one for themselves. Young lighteyed children often have wooden toy swords, carved to look like Shardblades.{{book ref|sa2|89}} Some young men carry fine daggers carved in the likeness of Shardblades.{{book ref|sa2|39}} In rural towns, the tales of [[Lanacin|Lanacin the Surefooted]], [[Evod Markmaker]], and [[Raninor|Raninor of the Fields]], legendary and revered darkeyes who won Shardblades,{{book ref|sa2|44}} inspired men to go off to war in hopes of winning a Shardblade, and thus riches and fame for themselves and their loved ones.{{book ref|sa1|16}} However, a darkeyes winning a Shardblade is so incredibly uncommon that it has not happened in over a lifetime.{{book ref|sa2|68}}
Due to their awesome power, Shardbearers fighting together often have to be careful that they do not inadvertently hurt one another or their own men.{{book ref|sa1|56}} Fighting in tandem with Shards is a skill all its own, keeping close enough to support one another but just far enough away to avoid interfering in the other's fight.{{book ref|sa1|67}} While the skill is uncommonly practiced, two Shardbearers supporting one another in combat can achieve incredible success.{{book ref|sa2|26}} Many times a Shardbearer will wade into enemy lines, bolstered by an honor guard fighting a few steps behind them.{{book ref|sa1|56}} The honor guard does not spend time defending the Shardbearer directly, but rather stays nearby to support the Shardbearer, so if his Plate is severely damaged or he is seriously injured, the Shardbearer can retreat to safety and not risk their life or their Shards.{{book ref|sa1|28}} Bolder Shardbearers will leave this honor guard behind and will attack enemies alone, either on foot or horseback.{{book ref|sa1|26}} Such a move is a tactical risk, as an isolated Shardbearer is at his most vulnerable and the loss of a Shardbearer in combat may prove disastrous for their own forces.{{book ref|sa1|56}}
As Shards are often passed down family lines,{{book ref|sa2|14}} many times it ends up in the hands of someone that prefers not to be involved directly in combat. Aged warriors, those who lack a talent for fighting, or those who prefer to lead tactically from the rear{{book ref|sa2|8}} may not desire to engage directly in combat themselves, but also do not want to deprive their army of a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa1|52}} Shardbearers can will their Blade to remain and still remain fully bonded to the Blade.{{book ref|sa2|8}} This has lead to the practice of highprinces and other lighteyes lending their Blades to skilled officers. This tactic relies on a great deal of trust on both sides though. As the owner of the Blade has the ability to recall the Blade at any moment, the person fighting with it must trust that the owner will not dismiss the Blade, leaving them unarmed. For their part, the owner of the Blade must trust that the person wielding it will not interfere with the gem on the Blade or allow it to be damaged, which would prevent the true owner from being able to summon it until it is replaced with a new gemstone.{{urlwob ref|urldate=https://www.reddit.com2017-02-10|1844|/r/Fantasy/comments/5t9nyy/iamonce_againa_novelist_named_brandon_sanderson/ddmou0a/|text=Peterfantasy AhlstromAMA reddit response|site=reddit: r/fantasy2017}}
The Shardblade is such a powerful weapon that its versatility is often only limited by the creativity of its bearer. For instance, Adolin Kholin used his Shardblade stuck into the side of a plateau as a platform to stand on while clearing a space for him to stand on top of the plateau.{{book ref|sa2|26}} In another instance, Dalinar cuts section of rock away, allowing it to fall on his opponents below him.{{book ref|sa1|68}} He also will cut the stone underneath the feet of his opponents to make them lose their footing. An experienced Shardbearer can find a multitude of ways to use a Blade to his advantage in battle beyond the tactics in which they are typically trained.
One common vulnerability a Shardbearer has is their own arrogance. In fact, oftentimes Shardbearers allow their combat skills to dull or never bother becoming terribly skilled in the first place, as they become used to being near-invincible and fantastically stronger than any of their opponents.{{book ref|sa1|i|9}} This can be the undoing of a Shardbearer who faces a more practiced opponent or a Surgebinder. One specific move to counter a Shardblade that makes use of this weakness is called a lastclap.{{book ref|sa2|44}} Oftentimes Shardbearers do not swing at their full strength as they typically do not need to do so when fighting in large battles, as they have a Blade that can cut through any material.{{book ref|sa1|58}} This means that when they are swinging downward at an enemy with an overhead blow, the person they are swinging at can sometimes catch the Blade between their palms.{{book ref|sa2|32}} Some see this as a dumb move, only useful as a last resort, because it relies fully on an enemy's lack of care.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
One uncommonly exploited weakness in a Shardblade is the gem at its hilt. If the gemstone on the hilt of a Blade is damaged or removed and the Shardbearer is somehow disarmed, he will be unable to summon the Blade to himself.{{urlwob ref|urldate=https://www.reddit.com2017-02-10|1844|/r/Fantasy/comments/5t9nyy/iamonce_againa_novelist_named_brandon_sanderson/ddmou0a/|text=Peterfantasy AhlstromAMA reddit response|site=reddit: r/fantasy2017}} However, if someone can get close enough to a Shardbearer to disable his Blade in such a way, they are likely close enough to either kill the owner or be killed by him, making this tactic often impractical. Oftentimes, a surprise attack is the quickest way to kill a Shardbearer. If they are not currently on the battlefield, and therefore not in their Plate, a Shardbearer can be attacked before they have a chance to summon their Blade.{{book ref|sa2|89}} In close quarters fighting, such as hand-to-hand or with a knife, Shardblades are too long to be useful and are only a liability if summoned, eliminating the advantage of a Blade.
=== Combat in the Shattered Plains ===
=== Interactions with other Investitures ===
Shardblades also seem to have a unique interaction with the Innate Investiture. When a Shardblade cuts a living being, it seems to sever the [[Spiritweb]] of the being it is used on. It is uncertain how a Shardblade would behave if it was used on a post-[[Reod]] [[Elantrian]], as they are simultaneously living and dead, so it is possible that it would cut the Elantrian's flesh or merely leave the limb dead, depending on when the Elantrian is struck by the Blade.{{qawob ref|1096date=2014-12-06|31363|The trick is the Shardblade's gonna treat them half alive, half dead.|date=6Orem Decembersigning 2014}} Shardblades of all types also seem to be bonded directly to a person's Spiritweb. [[Hemalurgy]] could be used to steal a Shardblade from someone, although it is unknown how Hemalurgic decay would impact this.{{qa ref|977|42|A novel use of Hemalurgy which is not outside the sphere of its powers.|date=September 2012}} As heavily Invested objects,{{qa ref|1086|3|Like a Shardblade is an Invested object|date=4 March 2014}} Shardblades would be mostly immune to [[Allomantic]] Pushes and Pulls.{{qa ref|593|10|Szeth's Shardblade would be mostly immune to Pushing and Pulling, as it's an Invested object.|date=28 February 2011}} People from off-world are able to use Shardblades.{{qa ref|977|109|Is it possible for a non-native being to use a shard blade?|date=September 2012}}
Forgery could be used to gain a Shardblade, with some restrictions.{{qa ref|1099|3| Now rewriting-- yes, that would be a lot easier than just rewriting herself so that she had a Shardblade.|date=5 January 2015}} The Investiture is not powerful enough to temporarily create a new Shardblade, and if it somehow could it would be terribly inefficient.{{qa ref|1152|50|Any kind of Investiture to make a Shardblade?|date=17 February 2016}} Instead, if a person had once held a Shardblade and gave it up, a Forger could rewrite their past to make it that they had never given up the Blade, and they would then be able to summon that same Shardblade.{{qa ref|1099|3| Now rewriting-- yes, that would be a lot easier than just rewriting herself so that she had a Shardblade.|date=5 January 2015}} This would have the effect of tricking a Blade into believing that it is bound to two people at once and could be summoned by both of them. It is theoretically possible for the [[seon]]s and [[skaze]] of Sel to take the form of a Shardblade, but something would need to pull them more fully into the Physical Realm, like the Nahel bond does for the spren.{{qa ref|1108|7|Could a Seon, or a Skaze, could they turn into a, some sort of Shardblade on their own planet?|date=13 March 2014}}