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m (removed redundant reference - will be covered by the one in the next sentence when i re-do it with Arcanum (trust me))
The Radiants continued on, independently of the Heralds for several hundred years at least, until the [[Day of Recreance]], when the Radiants abandoned their Shards for unknown reasons.{{book ref|sa1|52}} When the Radiants laid down their Shards at the Recreance, they broke their bonds with their spren by betraying their oaths, killing them and trapping their bodies within the Shardblades they left behind,{{book ref|sa2|87}} leaving the spren in a state of eternal agony.{{qa ref|1107|2|Is it possible then to reawaken a shard blade if that blade is wielded by someone who speaks the oaths of a Knights Radiant?|date=8 March 2014}} Initially, when the Radiants abandoned their Shardblades, the Blades remained fantastically sharp, but could no longer be bound to a person or summoned.{{book ref|sa1|67}} This betrayal of the Nahel spren broke their trust with humankind.{{book ref|sa2|3}} They refused to bond with men anymore and returned to Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa1|17}} At some point during the [[Era of Solitude]], the [[Herald]] [[Nale]] retrieved his own Honorblade for reasons unknown.{{qa ref|1178|1|He's using his original Honorblade.|date=29 November 2016}}
A few decades after the Recreance, a process was discovered to add a gemstone to the pommels of the Shardblades.{{book ref|sa2|67}} The Shardblades even shifted form to allow for the gemstones. This returned some of their old function to the dead Blades. They could once again be summoned, but they were not the same. For the next several hundred years following the Recreance, Shardblades were prized among nations of the world both as weapons of war{{book ref|sa1|29}} and symbols of power.{{book ref|sa1|23}} These Blades were considered to be heirlooms, and their paths and histories are accounted for through the generations.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}} In the years following the Recreance, a book called [[Arts and Majesty]] was written, dividing disciplines into masculine and feminine.{{book ref|sa2|25}} It claimed that masculine tasks were those done with two hands, while feminine tasks could be done with one.{{qa ref|697|2|[D]id I miss the explanation, world building moment or historical gem that explains why women have a safe hand and why they must keep it covered?|date=December 2010}} This was an attempt by men to gain exclusive control over Shardblades;{{qa ref|1070|8|Someone else's question was about the safehand and Brandon gave new information on it.|date=4 March 2014}} an attempt that was almost entirely successful.{{book ref|sa1|19}} During this time, Shardblades were also used for some unusual purposes, such as carving the city of [[Yeddaw]] out of the ground.{{book ref|edgedancer|2}}
It is uncertain if or when any new Radiants crafted Shardblades during this time period. It seems unlikely, as the Nahel spren had all retreated to their homeland of [[Shadesmar]].{{book ref|sa1|17}} There may have been a few dissident spren, similar to [[Sylphrena]]{{book ref|sa2|32}} or [[Ivory]]{{book ref|sa2|3}} but if there were any, they were few and far between. It is likely that any few Radiants arising during this time were killed by Nale, as he had been working for centuries to prevent the return of the Radiants.{{au ref|edgedancer}}