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As of 348 PC there exists two primary nation states on Scadrial, the [[Malwish Consortium]] and the Elendel Basin. Though many people in the Roughs share sentiments for secession from the fragile union.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|7}} There is also the Maskless, little is known about them, but they did not become a member of the Malwish Consortium.{{file ref|Scadrial_map.png|Scadrial map}}
=== Invested Technology ==
After the Catacendre the Southern Scadrians were saved by the [[Sovereign]]. He granted them [[Unsealed Metalminds]] harnessing brass (heat). Afterwards the Southern Scadrians reverse engineered them and began developing all kinds of invested technology.
At some point they developed air ships, which work by steelpushing fans to generate thrust and reducing the weight of the ship. These airships have apparently been around for a long time as [[Daal]] mentions that airships have existed for multiple ‘Eras’.
== Cosmere ==