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=== The Battle of Luthadel ===
{{for|Battle of Luthadel}}
Clubs wisely realized that Straff Venture was wily enough to simply feign a retreat, allowing the koloss to overthrow Luthadel. Then Straff himself would return, destroy the weakened koloss, and be proclaimed as the city's savior. Sazed knew that it was only a matter of time until their destruction, and realized that he had to save Elend and Vin. With the help of the remainder of Kelsier's crew he hatched a plot. Sazed tricked Vin into believing that he knew the location of the Well of Ascension, and sent her Elend, and Spook on a journey following a false map to what she believed is the only hope of Luthadel's salvation. After Vin and Elend leave the koloss fell on the city in attack. Clubs is killed fleeing from his gate with Breeze. Dockson and Tindwyl also fall to various groups of marauding koloss. Sazed in control of Iron Gate manages to hold off the koloss with the help of his Feruchemical powers. Just as his metalminds lost the last of their charescharges, Vin returned to help him fight. Spook had confessed that they were being tricked to Vin so she had gone back to Luthadel to try to stop the koloss. Unfortunately her Allomantic reserves were low, and before long she was out of pewter, which she had been dragging on for months. Just before the koloss overwhelm her, Vin burns [[duralumin]] and [[brass]] simultaneously, managing to take control of the koloss through their Hemalurgic spikes. She used her new found power to quickly turn the tide of the battle, by taking control of all the rest of the koloss. The next day the koloss and the remnants of Luthadel's army attacked Straff's army. Cett's army joined in to attack Straff as well, he had been convinced to do so by his daughter [[Allrianne]], who was in love with Breeze. Vin personally split Straff Venture in half with a massive koloss sword, and proceeded to utterly destroy Straff's troops. She then made Penrod, Cett, and Staff's sole surviving general [[Janarle]] to swear allegiance to Elend as their emperor.
=== Ruin's Escape ===