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(organize slightly, bit more info)
=== Choosing a Rider ===
{{image|Dalinar by Caio Santos.jpg|[[Gallant]] carrying [[Dalinar]] into battle|side=right|width=200px}}
Ryshadium are known for choosing and obeying only a particular rider.{{book ref|sa1|12}} OnlyThey aare dozennot menbroken inor alltrained; thethey warcamps at the [[Shattered Plains]] had a Ryshadium.{{book ref|sa1|12}} Dalinar describes the experiencechoose of havingtheir aown Ryshadium accept him as a rider as "indescribable"volition.{{book ref|sa1sa4|1521}} A person must be "worthy" to be chosen by a Ryshadium. What the measure of worthiness is, however, remains unclear,.{{book ref|sa2|81}} butOnly a dozen men in all the warcamps at the [[Shattered Plains]] had a Ryshadium{{book ref|sa1|12}} and for much of his life [[Dalinar]] was not worthy.{{wob ref|12117}} Dalinar describes the experience of having a Ryshadium accept him as a rider as "indescribable".{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Though Ryshadium choose their rider, they willmay allow others to ride them as they are needed; in one instance, Ryshadium were used to carry three wounded men from the battlefield.{{book ref|sa1|68}} On the rare occasions that a Ryshadium needs to carry someone other than their rider, the rider may have to spend a long time convincing the horse to do so.{{book ref|sa2|51}} [[Gallant]]Adolin allowsregrets not appreciating [[AdolinSureblood]] toenough rideprior himto after thehis death of [[Sureblood]] in the battle at [[Stormseat]]; he spends time watching and grooming Gallant.{{book ref|sa3|10}}{{book ref|sa4|22}} They form a friendship, and Gallant—perhaps missing Dalinar's companionship—eventually allows Adolin to ride him.{{book ref|sa4|35}} A Ryshadium having two riders is described as "very rare".{{book ref|sa4|21}}
===In Battle===