Difference between revisions of "Rushu"

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(Rushu has been loaned a Soulcaster, she herself is not a Soulcaster)
m (add update tag and create history section for aimia expedition.)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|Navani, have you ever wondered why the [[Almighty]] gave beards to men, but not women? For that matter, why do we consider it feminine for a woman to have long hair? Should not more hair be a masculine trait? Many of them have quite a lot of it, you see.
Later, Rushu joined King [[Elhokar Kholin]], Dalinar, and Navani on a trip to the Alethi warcamps on the Shattered Plains. They traveled to Shattered Plains via the Oathgate, and then were flown to the warcamps by [[Kaladin]] and his [[Windrunners]], which Rushu found exhilarating. Once they arrived, she discussed sketches for a flying ship with Navani and commented that the math wasn't right, though she had trouble focusing as she was still excited about the experience of flying.{{book ref|sa3|50}}
=== Expedition to Aimia ===
== Notes ==