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Sadees's win in the War of Loss affected much of eastern Roshar. Sadees declared himself king of Alethkar and began a conquest of Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|34}} Although the extent of his empire is not exactly known, [[Herdaz]] and [[Azir]] were both included. He committed genocide in Azir and killed ten percent of the population.{{book ref|sa3|42}} His empire quickly collapsed after his death, however, as he did not choose an heir, and his ten sons divided the kingdom into princedoms and became [[highprince]]s.{{book ref|sa3|19}} The effects of the Hierocracy on Vorinism can still be felt in the modern time. The central leadership of the church was destroyed and split into mostly independent [[Devotaries]].{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa1|36}} The ardents became slaves who could not own land or property.{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa1|59}} Their revisions to historical texts also perpetuate, and it is difficult to find information about pre-Hierocracy history or the Knights Radiant.{{book ref|sa2|3}}
==== Reunification of Alethkar ====
In the year {{rosharan date|1158}}, House Kholin, led by [[Gavilar Kholin]], led a war in order to reunify Alethkar like Sadees did before him. This conquest was successful, subjugating all ten Alethi princedoms under a singular crown for the first time since the times of the Sunmaker.
==== Singer-Human Relations ====
===== Assassination of Gavilar Kholin =====
{{for|Assassination of Gavilar}}
In {{rosharan date|1167}}, during the signing celebration of the Alethi-Listener treaty, Gavilar revealed his plans to return the Fused to Roshar to Eshonai. This led her to warning the Five. Together, the Five decided that he had to be killed before he could go through with his plans. Coming to this decision, they sent [[Szeth]] as an assassin, and successfully killed the king.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}
This assassination was traced back to the Listeners, as three Listeners remained to take credit for ordering the assassination,{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} leading to [[Elhokar Kholin]] and the Ten Highprinces to declare war upon them in the [[Vengeance Pact]], beginning the [[War of Reckoning]].
==== The War of Reckoning ====
