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m (The highstorms blow east to west, and therefore deposit crem on the eastern side of the continent. This is supported by the already linked WOB, that says the continent is moving east.)
The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere of Roshar is higher than standard cosmere.{{wob ref|1806}} There are no oil deposits from mass extinction events on Roshar.{{wob ref|15003}}
The rainwater in highstorms is laced with a sort of slurry called [[crem]]. When crem dries, it hardens into rock. Since the highstorms always sweep from east to west, crem builds up on the eastern side of anything that stays still and isn't regularly cleaned. Over time, the continent is very slowly shifting across the planet as the highstorms cause erosion of the easternwestern part and a build up on the westerneastern part.{{wob ref|4422}}
=== Climate ===