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(Venli muses about Odium alone being all passions except love, then attunes Love – a harmony of Odium’s and Cultivation’s rhythms)
(→‎The Pure Tones: en-dashes)
Each of the [[Shard]]s Invested in Roshar has its own rhythm, called a pure tone, which can be heard and sang by any [[singer]], and even humans, if taught to do so.{{book ref|sa4|68}}{{book ref|sa4|76}} Those rhythms can be altered slightly, allowing for harmonization of two of the tones. This harmonization is essential in creation of hybrid [[Lights]].{{book ref|sa4|76}}{{book ref|sa4|110}}
* Pure tone of [[Honor]] -- a vibrant beat, stately and controlled{{book ref|sa4|76}}
* Pure tone of [[Cultivation]] -- stark and staccato, building up{{book ref|sa4|76}}
* Pure tone of [[Odium]] -- violent, chaotic rhythm that becomes more logical over time{{book ref|sa4|76}}
* Rhythm of War -- a mix of Honor's and Odium's pure tones; a combination of chaotic notes and steady pulse{{book ref|sa4|76}}
* Rhythm of the Tower -- a mix of Honor and Cultivation's pure tones; a mix of boundless energy and structure{{book ref|sa4|110}}
* Rhythm of Love -- a mix of Odium's and Cultivation's pure tones; attuned once by [[Venli]].{{book ref|sa4|83}}
* The pulsing which comes from the [[Well of Ascension]] is the Pure Tone of [[Preservation]].{{wob ref|14586}}