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== Cultural impact ==
=== Hallandren ===
In [[Hallandren]] the Returned are worshiped as gods sent by the [[Iridescent Tones]] to guide their followers. As such the Returned are fed one Breath each week in order to maintain their lives. The Returned are petitioned by the people of the city to give up their Breath as a cure for illnesses.{{book ref|wb|12}} The more caring of the Returnedreturned would help the people aftervia rejectingother theirmethods if they rejects petitions. They are also expected to perform auguries by reviewing works of art sent by citizens, and their priests record their dreams, words and acts at all times to search for prophetic glimpses.{{book ref|wb|3}}
Due to their [[Austre|belief]], Idrians considers it an abomination to give up their breath. Lacking the breath supply, Idrian returned usually lives for one week and die on the eighth day when they consume their divine breath. Whether this fact effects the vision they see when returning is unknown. It is not unheard-of for [[Idrian]] Returned to travel to Hallendren to avoid dying and be worshiped instead.{{wob ref|3702}}
=== Other cultures ===
A person can Return on any area on Nalthis. They are treated in very strange ways some places. One kingdom will will immediatley sell the corpse of someone who dies in a way that might be heroic, where they are purchased by a nobleman hoping to hit the jackpot and get a Returned. They are kept since they can heal people and are used as an emergency insurance plan to restore the health of their owner.{{annotation ref|Warbreaker|chapter=4-2}} It is not unheard-of for [[Idrian]] Returned to travel to Hallendren to avoid dying and be worshiped instead.{{wob ref|3702}}
== Known Returned ==