Difference between revisions of "Regalia"

No change in size ,  4 years ago
fixed link
m (added a weakness section)
m (fixed link)
=== Weakness ===
While Regalia's weakness is never revealed explicitly in the series, her weakness is being proven wrong.{{ref|name=boom}} Her weakness is noticeably triggered at least twice. First, when David calls Regalia to the Reckoner base, it takes her a while to appear in water form.{{book ref|Firefight|41}} This is because she was looking for the Reckoners in the wrong location the whole time. When David summoned her, she realized she was wrong, and thus was unable to use her powers for a short time.{{ref|name=boom}} Second, when Regalia attempts to make David an Epic, he resists becoming an Epic, upon which Regalia's water form vanishes.{{book ref|Firefight|42}} Previously, she revealed she was absolutely certain [[Calamity|Calamity(Epic)|Calamity]] would be able to make David into an Epic.{{book ref|Firefight|41}}
== History ==
