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Preservation and [[Ruin]], the two [[Shard]]s on Scadrial, struck a deal to create sentient life on the planet. Preservation would have a sliver more of itself in humans, but Ruin would be allowed to destroy the world.
Preservation broke the terms of the agreement by sacrificing hisits mind to create a prison for Ruin's mind, preventing himit from destroying the world. Furthermore, in an attempt to balance the power (since some of Preservation was now stored in humanity), heit sequestered away a portion of Ruin's power in the metal [[atium]]. The [[Well of Ascension]], Preservation's liquid essence, was created to contain Ruin.{{epigraph ref|mb3|46}} After sacrificing hisit mind to trap Ruin, Preservation manifested itself as the '''mist spirit''' whenever it wished to influence events directly.
The mists of Scadrial were left behind by Preservation to awaken Allomancy in the inhabitants of Scadrial, albeit in a violent way. The mists were encouraged by Ruin to choke off sunlight to the land, and were named '''the Deepness''' since they prevented food from growing. They also provided power to enhance Allomancy by Vin, hundreds of years later.
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