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m (moved abilities section, formatted quotes, and fixed artist links)
Pattern is fascinated by concepts that mix truths and falsehoods, such as flattery, sarcasm, and even figures of speech like metaphors. He calls these things lies, but not in a disparaging way but rather admiringly, as if he is fond of lies. These are things that he has to learn from humans like Shallan, as he is more naturally inclined to express truths simply as they are. While he is a master of understanding patterns, he finds man-made patterns, like human languages and their social conventions, to be more of a challenge because of their inconsistencies and illogical rules, although he tries his best to learn these things anyway as they are attractive to him.{{book ref|sa2|60}}
Despite being a spren attracted to lies, falsehoods, or their offshoots, Pattern is revealed to be a terrible liar himself.{{book ref|sa2|17}}
While capable of silently blending in with his surroundings, which has proven useful when spying on people, Pattern has a tendency to vibrate audibly when excited or anxious. This buzzing sound tends to unnerve people, especially those unaware of where the noise is coming from.{{book ref|sa2|24}}
|Pattern{{book ref|sa2|60}}
=== Pre-Shallan ===
Little is currently known about Pattern's time in Shadesmar and the Physical Realm before he initially bonded Shallan, but he is revealed to be a scholar of some kind among the Cryptics.{{book ref|sa2|17}} Pattern's desire to study humans despite expecting to be killed by Shallan like the bonded spren during the Recreance does not deter his motivation for study.
=== Shallan's Childhood ===
Worried about the return of the [[Voidbringers]], the [[Cryptic]]'s elected to send one of their own to bond a human. Despite believing it would end in his death, Pattern nominated himself, crossing into the [[Realmatic Theory#Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] and bonding with Shallan when she was just a child. After their bond began to form, Pattern would spend time with Shallan while she sat and drew in gardens of her fathers estate. By the time she was eleven, their bond had progressed far enough for Shallan to summon Pattern as a [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa2|6}}{{book ref|sa2|13}}{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{wob ref|5899}}