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She enjoys luxury, spending money, and wearing fashionable clothing, yet she is not pretentious.{{book ref|sa2|40}}{{book ref|sa2|76}} She sometimes appears to be detached from events occurring around her, as she is seen relaxing with a novel during the [[Battle of Narak]]{{book ref|sa2|86}} and reading gossip reports amidst the squabbling of Rosharan royalty.{{book ref|sa2|122}} Her contemporaries, including Shallan and [[Navani Kholin]], tend to make light of her penchant for massages.{{book ref|sa3|21}}{{book ref|sa3|96}}
Although she is not married to Turinad, she runs the household and appears to be familiar with the traditions of Alethi nobility.{{book ref|sa2|40}} However, she does not have the modesty of a typical [[Vorin]] woman, as she does not cover her back or carefully hide her safehand while being massaged, even when other people are present.{{book ref|sa2|47}} She covers her [[safehand]], but is sometimes careless about showing it.{{book ref|sa3|21}}
== History ==