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{{quote|Odium comes. Most dangerous of all the sixteen.|The voice in the storm to [[Kaladin]].{{ref|b|twok|c|46}}}}
'''Odium''' is a [[Shard|Shard of Adonalsium]], held by [[Rayse]].{{ref|?|700|7|He did however confirm that Rayse is Odium}}. The author of [[The Letter]] calls Odium the "most frightening and terrible of all the Shards."{{ref|b|twok|e|19}} Odium is currently{{dispute|what is current?}} located on Roshar, though arrived on Roshar later than its other two Shards, [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]].{{ref|17s?|2389836|5=What49|Is IOdium probably should've saidnative to be more precise is that Honor and Cultivation were there long before Odium showed up.Roshar?}} Unlike many Shards, which usually stay on their own worlds, Odium moves through the [[cosmere]], causing havoc. Odium had been on [[Sel]] a short time, and the results were devastating.{{ref|b|twok|e|22}}
The Shard's [[intent]], Odium, means two things: the feeling of strong hatred, and that which provokes hatred from others.{{ref|17s|2383|post|42190|Some dictionaries list two meanings for the word "odium"}}
== Notes ==
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