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|books=[[Stormlight Archive]]
A '''Nuatomanuatoma''' is a leader of an [[Unkalaki]] family clan on [[Roshar]]. [[RockLunamor]] describes them as nobles, the Horneater equivalent of an [[Alethi]] [[Brightlord]]. The relatives of a nuatoma are his servants. {{book ref|sa1|23}}
The specifics of the title like the method of succession and the areas of responsibility of a nuatoma are mostly unknown so far.
It is not clear how an individual becomes nuatoma, although birth order and heritage are factors in Unkalaki social standing.{{book ref|sa1|49}}{{book ref|sa3|37}} Since all Unkalaki are [[darkeyes|darkeyed]], eye color is not a consideration.{{book ref|sa1|23}} The relatives of a nuatoma act as their guards and servants, often performing multiple jobs.{{book ref|sa1|23}}{{book ref|sa3|37}} The relatives are not slaves, and prefer to serve a family member rather than a stranger.{{book ref|sa1|23}} When Lunamor sees [[Phendorana]], who has obvious importance among [[honorspren]], he asks [[Syl]] if she is like a nuatoma.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
[[Rock]]Lunamor impliedimplies inthat a conversation about his people that there is at least one nuatoma forleads each of the [[Horneater Peaks]].{{book andref|sa1|23}} theThere differentare peaksoccasional mightskirmishes gobetween topeaks, warpresumably withled each other underby the leadershipnuatoma.{{book of their respective nuatomas.ref|sa1|23}}
===Quest for Shards===
| The nuatoma, they see our lack of Shards as a great shame. They want these weapons very badly. It is believed that the nuatoma who first obtains a [[Shardblade]] would become king, a thing we have not had for many years. No peak would fight another peak where a man held one of the blessed Blades.
| [[Rock]]Lunamor to [[Kaladin]] and [[Teft]]{{book ref|sa1|23}}
The lack of Shards among the Unkalaki is a source of embarrassment for the nuatoma, and many have traveled to [[Alethkar]] offering significant financial incentives in exchange for the chance to duel a [[Shardbearer]] and win a Shard.{{book ref|sa1|23}} It is assumed that the first nuatoma to win a Shardblade would gain sufficient power to become the first tana'kai—the Unkalaki equivalent of a king{{book ref|sa2|46}}—in many years.{{book ref|sa1|23}}
All of the nuatoma who have challenged Alethi Shardbearers have been killed.{{book ref|sa1|23}} [[Kef'ha]], Lunamor's nuatoma, chose to duel [[Torol Sadeas]], believing that his family would simply become servants of House Sadeas if he died.{{book ref|sa3|37}} However, Sadeas killed Kef'ha without a proper duel, then killed some of his family members who protested before seizing their property anyway.{{book ref|sa3|37}} Sadeas did not know what to do with the surviving Horneaters.{{book ref|sa1|23}} Lunamor briefly served as a cook and put [[chull]] dung in Sadeas's food, earning him an assignment to the [[bridge crew]]s.{{book ref|sa1|23}}
== Notable Nuatoma ==
* [[RockKef's nuatomaha]]
== Notes ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 23:42, 23 July 2019 (UTC)}}