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Nightblood was created on Nalthis and initially consumed BioChromatic Breaths, but it can also consume other forms of Investiture, such as [[Stormlight]].{{wob ref|661}}{{book ref|sa3|92}} On [[Scadrial]], a person would need to be actively [[Allomancy|burning a metal]] or tapping a [[Feruchemy|metalmind]] to avoid being consumed very quickly.{{wob ref|8683}} Nightblood can also feed on the [[mist]]s but would not be able to pick up the Shard [[Preservation]].{{wob ref|4590}} On [[Sel]], Nightblood would be able to draw power from the [[Dor]]. For instance, if an Elantrian drew an [[Aon]] above the sword, it would be able to draw on Investiture, but the Aon would quickly be consumed due to too much energy being pulled through too small an opening.{{wob ref|8746}} Notably, it can draw Stormlight from other sources directly--not just from the wielder.{{book ref|sa3|92}}
Nightblood is one of the most heavily Invested non-Shard entities in the cosmere, due to consuming the Investiture of its users and victims.{{wob ref|10833}} It has been compared to [[Susebron]], making it possible that its current Investiture is roughly equivalent to over 50,000 Breaths.{{wob ref|7299}} Nightblood probably has more raw Investiture than an [[Unmade]], but not the [[Stormfather]].{{wob ref|12591}} Although this may have changed in Rythem of War.
=== Comparison to Shardblades ===