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Nalthian history is mostly unknown. [[Vasher]] remarked that the planet is young enough that it does not have fossils.{{book ref|sa4|15}}
At some pointtime in the far past, [[Vo]] traveled over the sea and became a [[Returned]], creating Hallandren, which occupied the location of the previous Pahn Kahl nation. The Returned created a religion and nation surroundingwith theirthemselves abilitiesas the focus of both. After some time, the [[Five Scholars]] came together and participated incatalyzed the [[Manywar]], which resulted in the separation of the Idrian nation (after the royal family deserted Hallandren for Idris, for disputed reasons) and the rise of the [[God King]]s and absolutism of the [[Iridescent Tones]].
About 300 years laterafter the Manywar, the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]] occurred. This was also when Princessthe Idrian princess [[Siri]] married the God King [[Susebron]], bringing a member of the royal family back to Hallandren.
== Cosmere ==