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→‎History: shortening; I have quite a few of the details saved in a document to go in other articles
(→‎History: first pass, mostly looking at copy-editing stuff)
(→‎History: shortening; I have quite a few of the details saved in a document to go in other articles)
Nalthis was created at an unknown date, but it is not old enough to have had fossils form on it.{{book ref|sa4|15}} The [[Nalthian system|system]] was settled by [[Endowment]], who remains the sole [[Shard]] in the system.{{wob ref|1120}} It is unknown when exactly humans arrived to the system,{{wob ref|1086}} but they brought with them myths about [[dragon (cosmere)|dragons]].{{wob ref|1346}} A [[Perpendicularity]] formed on the world, and near it the [[Tears of Edgli]] began to grow.{{wob ref|13871}}
Early in its history the nation of [[Chedesh]] dominated the world, and their sailors eventually reached the area that would later become known as [[Hallandren]]. The region was already inhabited by the [[Pahn Kahl]], but they were dismissed as not a 'true' nation. While there the Chedens discovered the [[Tears of Edgli]] for the first time. As the nation explored this new continent, they headed northwards; one Cheden died during the trip and became the first [[Returned]]. Remembered by the title "the First Returned", [[Vo]] declared the [[Five Visions]] and then died a week later. The men on his ship received his message and founded the kingdom of [[Hanald]]. They chose Vo's wife as the first monarch, beginning the Idrian royal line. This new kingdom quickly grew lucrative due to the Tears of Edgli, and their monopoly on the dyes allowed them to become a powerful economic force.{{book ref|wb|32}}
For most of their history the inhabitants of the planet were unaware of the art of [[Awakening]]. The death of Vo helped begin exploration into this art, which was only discovered some four centuries prior to the events of the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]].{{book ref|wb|32}} Due to the importance of using your native language when using Awakening, the development of the art in other cultures moved more slowly.{{cite}}
=== The Manywar ===
Three hundred years after the arrival of Vo,{{book ref|wb|32}} these Returned would be renamed as [[Vasher|Talaxin]] and [[Shashara]] respectively and joined with other Returned{{wob ref|5839}} [[Arsteel]], [[Yesteel]], and [[Denth|VaraTreledees]] to form the [[Five Scholars]]. The years preceding the Manywar were ones of quick discovery about Awakening led by the Scholars.{{book ref|wb|32}} Beyond this, some of them became [[worldhoppers]].{{wob ref|1737}} Their discoveries about Awakening and their exploration of the [[cosmere]] cemented the legacy of these Nalthians as early scholars of the cosmere by those at [[Silverlight]].{{wob ref|1548}}
Tensions between Hanald and its neighbors began to grow due to a wide variety of factors; for one, theirincluding stranglehold on the worldHanald's dyeready economysupply causedof resentmentdyes to grow against them. Major discoveries inand the artdiscovery of Awakening also worsened relations as it was discovered how to awakenAwaken [[Lifeless]] with a single Breath instead of fifty.{{book ref|wb|32}} In addition to this, Yesteeldoubling discoveredthe ichor-alcohol.size Theseof discoveriesmany allowed nations to doublearmies, the sizeuse of their armies andichor-alcohol made the already durable Lifeless even stronger and longer lasting.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} The situation worsened even more when Shashara revealed both secrets to the entire world, allowing every nation to benefit.{{book ref|wb|53}}
==== The Events of the Manywar ====
==== The Events of the Manywar ====
Despite the increase in tensions, however, the Manywar was not properly triggered by any one of these factors. Instead, a Returned had a vision about an upcoming war and told Talaxin about it,{{book ref|wb|32}} who in turn spread the news to those in the nation of Hanald. Despite the vision, theThe Idrian monarchy refused to begin a preemptive war against their neighbors.{{book, ref|wb|15}} A frustratedso Talaxin, with the support of the people, sparked a rebellion against them and deposed their government.{{book ref|wb|15}}{{book ref|wb|7}} AsTalaxin arose resultto ofpower this, Talaxin was renamedas Kalad the Usurper and rose to power. He began by orderingordered preemptive strikes against the kingdoms of [[Kuth]] and [[Huth]] to the north of Hanald.{{book ref|wb|32}}
In response to this, several nations joined Kuth and Huth to form a coalition known as the [[Pahn Unity]] formedin order to oppose Hanald. Many nations went against it, with Kuth and Huth forming the main rivals to Kalad.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} The Five Scholars broke up as a result, taking different sides in the war.{{book ref|wb|32}} Shashara sided with Kalad during the conflict while VaraTreledees attempted to work as a peacemaker in order to prevent the war. As the conflict only grew worse, he instead gave up his efforts and assisted Hanald in its war effort.{{wob ref|5841}} Arsteel and Yesteel likely both sided with Kuth and Huth during the conflict.{{book ref|wb|32}}
The war was devastating and would be remembered in the history of Nalthis as one of its most deadly conflicts. A low estimate of the deaths measures them in the tens of thousands.{{book ref|wb|53}} This is partly because the Manywar wasAs the first real conflict where Awakening and the Lifeless were put to actual use on the battlefield, the war was one of Nalthis' most deadly conflicts.{{wob ref|7375}}{{book ref|wb|53}} As the war waged, more advancements were made in the art of creating Lifeless and other Awakened objects; this made the fighting worse and worse. During this time period, Kalad also created his infamous [[Kalad's Phantoms|Phantoms]].{{book ref|wb|32}}
Shortly afterwards Kalad and Shashara decided to attempt to create a [[Shardblade]], which they had seen on [[Roshar]], using Awakening. After a period of research, the pair created the sword known as [[Nightblood]].{{wob ref|4283}}{{wob ref|3216}}{{wob ref|2650}} The first battle that Nightblood was used in was the [[Battle of Twilight Falls]], where he was wielded by Shashara. The battle served as the final oneconclusion of the Manywar, and the leader of the Pahn Unity was slain during the battle.{{book ref|wb|26}} Kalad got the chance to see what the blade could do in battle and was horrified by the results and loss of life caused by Nightblood; because Shashara obstinately wanted to reveal the secret of the Nightblood's creation to the nations, Kalad felt he had no choice but to kill her.{{wob ref|6954}}{{book ref|wb|53}}
==== Resolution of the Manywar ====
AfterAccording thisto pointlegend Kalad, movedcalled toPeacegiver endat thethat war.point Despite not changingof his namelife, historians reached the conclusion that he was in fact two different people and named the latter Peacegiver.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} According to legend he ended the war with negotiation, but in actuality threatening to use his Phantoms played a role.{{book ref|wb|58}}{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} By the time the war ended, the nations of Huth and Kuth were already destroyed,{{book ref|wb|32}} and upon learning of the fate of his sister, VaraTreledees turned against Kalad desiring revenge.{{wob ref|5841}} As part of ending the war, Peacegiver founded the nation of [[Hallandren]] and began the lineage of the God Kings by granting them political power in the kingdom.{{book ref|wb|32}} They also began to hand down thehis [[Peacegiver's Treasure|gift]] of their Breaths to each subsequent God King, accompanied by instructions on how to maintain it; by this stage Peacegiver was held with such reverence that his words were taken to heart.{{book ref|wb|58}}{{book ref|wb|15}} The [[Cult of the Returned]], now the [[Iridescent Tones]],{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} took full power and began to manage the [[Court of Gods]]. Peacegiver dispersed his phantoms throughout the city secretly as the [[D'Denir Celabrin]], hiding them in plain sight.{{book ref|wb|58}}
The Idrian royal family did not return to Hallandren but instead remained in exile to the mountains of the north, where they formed the nation of [[Idris]]. The split between the two nations was so bad that they each developed their own terms for the surrounding geography; as the centuries went on, however, this distinction was lost, and inhabitants of both kingdoms used the terms interchangeably.{{wobbook ref|6702wb|32}} Austrism as well turned its back on [[Awakening]] and began to consider it an abomination.{{book ref|wb|46}}{{book ref|wb|25}} They, also dismisseddismissing the worship of Returned as "pagan" beliefs.{{book ref|wb|15}}{{book ref|wb|46}}{{book ref|wb|25}} The nation of [[Tedradel]], who played an unknown role in the war, would continue to have an antagonistic relationship with Hallandren from that time.{{book ref|wb|1}}
=== After the Manywar ===
In the three hundred years{{book ref|wb|32}} following the Manywar, the kingdom of Hallandren prospered under its new government, although over time corruption seeped in. Due to the system of Breaths, the most benevolent of the Returned died out more quickly than their more selfish peers, meaning that over time the Court was filled with the most selfish of all the Returned.{{wob ref|4495}} The Priesthood also continued their duties given to them by Peacegiver by cutting out the tongue of each God King and covering up the truth about their lineage.{{book ref|wb|58}} They covered up the disappearance of each God King with stories about how they healed the common people with their divine Breath.{{book ref|wb|32}}
In the three hundred years following the Manywar, the kingdom of Hallandren prospered under its new government, although over time corruption seeped in.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{wob ref|4495}} Relations between Hallandren and Idris worsened over the years, as the northern passes Idris had control over were very tempting targets for Hallandren. Relations were also poor because theThe region was viewed as a rebellious province by the Court of Gods and not a true nation.{{book ref|wb|1}} Despite this, Idris remained powerful, with many allies north of the mountains.{{wob ref|7407}} In order to try and maintain good relations, King [[Dedelin]] negotiated a treaty whereby his eldest [[Vivenna|daughter]] would be sent to the Court once she was of age in order to introduce the Royalroyal bloodline to the God Kings and further legitimize their authority. This was accepted by the courtCourt.{{book ref|wb|1}}
Over the centuries the control and subjugation of the Pahn Kahl people grew worse. Their oppression over time reached the stage in which many presumed its unique culture was extinct and thought that they also worshiped the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}}{{wob ref|6964}} As the years went on, its people grew tired of their position in Hallandren society and the few lowly jobs they were offered.{{book ref|wb|55}}{{book ref|wb|54}} Over time talksTalks of a rebellion began to spread, and the Pahn Kahl began passing on their positions to other Pahn Kahl citizens in order to maintain their control in the Court of Gods. Of particular note, [[Bluefingers]] was given his job by a predecessor who was also in on the conspiracy.{{wob ref|7381}} NowA inPahn positionKahl as a lead scribe in the Court of Gods,named Bluefingers began to set in motion a plan to overthrow the Hallandren government. His hope was to incite a war between Hallandren and Idris and use the resulting chaos to allow Pahn Kahl to rise up in society.{{book ref|wb|57}}
=== The Pahn Kahl Rebellion ===
==== Vahr's Rebellion ====
Another Pahn Kahl, [[Vahr]], prematurely began his own rebellion against Hallandren. He had spent a decade getting the contacts needed for it{{book ref|wb|31}}{{wob ref|6020}} and had persuaded his fellow workers to grant him their Breaths so that he could grow in power. They did so, and the influx of Breaths from like-minded people made him even more dedicated to the cause.{{wob ref|4633}} Vahr quickly rose up as a hero of the people, and he got to work on creating an army to attack Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|19}} Along the way, heVahr received help from other nations worried about Hallandren,{{wob ref|6020}} including Idris,{{book ref|wb|17}} and various crime lords in [[T'Telir]].{{book ref|wb|31}}
{{image|Warbreaker Prologue by CarloswkArt.jpg|side=right|height=200px|[[Vasher]] stealing Vahr's [[Breath]] before killing him}}
Fearing this rebellion would draw too much attention to his own efforts, Bluefingers leaked Vahr's location to the Hallandren authorities and had him arrested.{{wob ref|6983}} As a result, Vahr was apprehended, and withoutWithout his leadership, the rebellion fell apart.{{book ref|wb|19}} The Kingdom of Idris was displeased with this as they had hoped that thethis rebellion would have takentake attention away from them for a time; instead, they found even more focus was put on them than ever before as Hallandren grew paranoid about its potential enemies. In order to stave off a potential war, King Dedelin moved to fulfill his contract with [[Susebron]]. However, he hesitated to send [[Vivenna]], worryingand thatended theup Courtsending of[[Siri]] Godsin couldher useplace.{{book herref|wb|1}} as[[Vasher]] atook hostageadvantage toof whomVahr's Dedelinarrest wasby toopersuading attachedVahr to sacrifice.grant him [[Siri]]his wasBreaths sentso inthat herHallandren placewould tonot fulfillgain them. He killed Vahr in return for the contractgift.{{book ref|wb|1prologue}}
Hearing of Vahr's arrest, [[Vasher]] saw he had a chance to get another large supply of Breaths. He persuaded Vahr to grant him his Breaths so that Hallandren would not gain them and offered in return to kill Vahr so that he could not be tortured for additional information about Pahn Kahl's efforts.{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
==== Bluefingers' Manipulation ====
By this time VaraTreledees had renamed himself Denth and began working for Bluefingers to help cause the war.{{wob ref|6723}} AsHe part of these efforts he made contact withcorrupted [[Lemex]], an Idrian spy, and made him assist the Pahn Kahl plot. Lemex grew increasingly reluctant and outspoken against the plot, so Denth decided to poison him.{{wobbook ref|6795wb|43}} Atand thewent sameto timemeet Vivenna, decidedwho to hold a 'rescue mission' for Siri and headedwent to [[T'Telir]] herself. Denth intercepted a message fromafter her intendedsister, forin Lemex,his andplace. heHe and his [[Denth's crew|crew]] decided to go meet with her. He managed to gain her trust and convinced her that Lemex was dying due to disease. Convincing her that he was on his side, heDenth managed to kidnap her without her realizing it.{{book ref|wb|10}}
Siri's arrival at the Court of Gods created a different set of worries. It was speculated by some that the last-second swap may have been planned from the start and that deferring to the Idrian monarchy actually undermined their authority rather than strengthened it.{{book ref|wb|7}}{{book ref|wb|12}} Manipulated by Bluefingers, [[Blushweaver]] eventually managed to persuade [[Lightsong]] to her cause as well, and together the pair worked to get as many Lifeless Commands as they could.{{book ref|wb|7}}{{book ref|wb|30}} Siri, meanwhile,It was also being manipulated by Bluefingers, who convinced her that he was the only person she should trust in the Court.{{book ref|wb|6}}{{wob ref|6723}} It was his' original plan to use Siri to persuade the Idrians within the city that a rebellion was needed, but he changed his plans once he learned that Denth had kidnapped Vivenna and was using her to do the same thing. andHe decided it was best to kill Siri instead to further anger the Idrians.{{wob ref|6723}}
Denth managed to convince Vivenna that war was inevitable and that together they could work to undermine Hallandren from the inside.{{book ref|wb|17}} While pretending to entertain Vivenna's plans to prevent the war, Denth in actuality undermined or canceled her plans when she wasn't paying attention and instead did what he could to worsen the situation and support his preexisting plans.{{wob ref|6960}}{{wob ref|6795}}{{book ref|wb|19}} He and Tonk Fah also routinely killed soldiers sent by King Dedelin to retrieve Vivenna as they arrived in the city.{{wob ref|7284}} Denth's efforts ultimately fell apart when he was forced to kill a [[Parlin|a friend]] of Vivenna's and she discovered his corpse as well as the bodies of the soldiers sent by her father.{{wob ref|7284}}{{book ref|wb|35}} She quickly worked out their true intentions and escaped the crew.{{book ref|wb|35}}
==== The Rebellion ====
==== The Rebellion ====
The days before the rebellion, Vivenna was saved by Vasher, who discovered how she had been tricked by Denth. Together, they both did what they could to prevent the war by talking to the Idrians{{book ref|wb|43}} and rescuing the [[Misel|child]] of a [[Nanrovah|head priest]] that Denth had kidnapped as blackmail.{{book ref|wb|49}} Their efforts were not enough, however, and the push for war was still taking place, the only reason it was not declared was because Lightsong, who held the deciding vote, had chosen to abstain.{{book ref|wb|50}} The priests feared that the vote would come to pass and went to protect Siri from a potential riot.{{wob ref|7369}}{{book ref|wb|50}} Seeing the unexpected vote of [[Lightsong]] and the sudden increased security for Siri, Bluefingers panicked and moved to cause the rebellion that day, fearing that forces in the Court were on to him.{{wob ref|7369}}
{{image|Vasher by Connor Chamberlain.jpg|side=left|width=270px|[[Vasher]] using Awakening}}
ImmediatelyHe heimmediately sent his mercenaries to go and kill the guards outside of Siri's door and replace them.{{wob ref|7376}} At the same time, he had Denth go and capture Vasher, who had just broken into the God King's palace in the hopes of preventing the war.{{book ref|wb|51}}{{book ref|wb|53}} It was these events that made the Priests realize that something unusual was happening in the palace walls that day, and they went to rally their own troops. They failed to realize that it was a rebellion, however, and presumed it was only rioters behind the attacks.{{wob ref|7376}} During the growing conflict, the rebels managed to kill [[Blushweaver]], capture the God King, get all of the Lifeless Commands, and order the army to go attack and kill the Idrians.{{book ref|wb|53}} The priesthood managed to savesaved Siri and [[SuresbronSusebron]] from the conflict and sent them to Bluefingers for their evacuation. Siri was the first one to realize that the Pahn Kahl were behind the attacks, but by then it was too late, as the leadership of the priesthood had been killed in the battle.{{wob ref|7384}}{{book ref|wb|54}}
The rebels went to execute Susebron, but Lightsong used his divine Breath to return hisSusebron's tongue to him.{{book ref|wb|55}}; Withwith full access to his Breath, Susebron quickly turned the tide of the battle, saved Siri, and apprehended Bluefingers.{{book ref|wb|57}} His mercenaries and other co-conspirators were apprehended themselves and killed during the battle; of note, Denth was killed by Vasher during a duel between the two.{{wob ref|746955}}{{book ref|wb|57}} In the immediate aftermath, Vasher revealed himself as Peacegiver to the public and granted Susebron full control of the D'Denir Celabrin so that they could go destroy the Lifeless armies and prevent a slaughter in Idris.{{book ref|wb|58}}
|There were five of us. Me, Denth, Shashara, Arsteel, and Yesteel. It looks like Yesteel has resurfaced, finally.
|Vasher to Vivenna{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
=== After the Rebellion ===
Following the death of Denth, his crew went to make contact with [[Yesteel]], who resided in one of the kingdoms north of the mountains.{{wob ref|7357}} Yesteel himself became intent on reforgingre-forging the kingdoms of [[Huth]] and [[Kuth]]; hearing of this, Vasher and Vivenna decided to go north to stop him.{{wob ref|7357}}{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
== Cosmere ==