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At the end of the [[False Desolation]] and shortly before the [[Recreance]], Nale and [[Kalak]] were both present at the capture of [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]], and thus witnessed the mental damage done to the singers.{{book ref|sa4|24}} While Kalak came to regret this event happening, Nale's opinion on it is unknown.{{epigraph ref|sa4|96}}
At some point, possibly after the [[Recreance]], Nale began working to prevent another Desolation from happening. Eventually, likely following the advice of Ishar, he came to understand this as eliminating every nascent [[Surgebinder]] other than the prospective Skybreakers, whose bonds he had the capacity to permit and deny.{{book ref|sa3|106}} By the time of the reunification of [[Alethkar]], he was still doing it, forming a methodology that agreed with his own sentiments: he would track down Surgebinders who had committed some kind of a crime, no matter how minor, and execute them under the pretense of punishment.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}} Many [[spren]] were aware of what he was doing, but were largleylargely indifferent to it, seeing it as spren willing to bond getting what was coming to them.{{wob ref|15264}}
==== The Assassination of Gavilar Kholin ====