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|titles=Callsign: Complains
|groups=[[Flowers of Night's Last Kiss Flight]]
|'world=[[Starsight (station)|Starsight (space station)]]
|universe=[[Skyward Universe]]
'''Morriumur''' is a [[dione]] who lives on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]. They are a draft and have only been alive for a few months. They join the Starsight Fleet to try and prove that their aggressive nature can be of benefit to their family.{{book ref|sky2|15}}{{book ref|sky2|20}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Morriumur is two months old with their face being split down the center, the right being a crimson color while the left is a blue shade. Because they are a dione, they are expected to be non-aggressive, but the current draft of their personality is very aggressive by dione standards.{{book ref|sky2|22}} They feel that they have to prove themself and fearsfear being re-drafted because they do not wish to forget their friends.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} They were given their callsign, Complains, by [[Hesho]], but instead are just called by their name.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Morriumur is a draft, and because of thattheir isdual personalities they are immune to the hallucinations inside of a [[delver]]'s maze.{{book ref|sky2|43}}