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→‎Bridge Four: Punctuation
m (→‎Bridge Four: Punctuation)
Moash joined the war assuming he would be made a spearman but ended up in Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa1|46}} When Bridge Four started training down in the chasms, Moash was one of the first who changed into a fighting man.{{book ref|sa1|49}} Later, on the bridgerun where [[Dunny]] died, Moash probably saved Kaladin's life by keeping him from reaching Dunny's body and later told Kaladin that he was wrong about him.{{book ref|sa1|53}}
When [[Adolin]] tried to give [[Kaladin]] the gift of [[Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate]], Kaladin instead gave them to Moash, thereby making him a lighteyes in rank.{{book ref|sa2|66}}. His eyes started to lighten a week after,{{book ref|sa2|77}}, though he still did not consider himself lighteyes.
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=== Attempted Regicide and Desertion ===
Moash became involved in a plot with [[Graves]] to assassinate King Elhokar Kholin, which was ultimately thwarted by Kaladin. Moash took his Plate and Blade and fled the warcamps with Graves after their failed attempt.{{book ref|sa2|87}}