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Mayalaran and Adolin met for the first time when he crossed over into [[Shadesmar]]{{book ref|sa3|87}}{{book ref|sa3|89}} with [[Shallan]], [[Kaladin]], [[Vivenna]], [[Pattern]] and [[Sylphrena]] from the corrupted [[Oathgate]] in [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|85}} Pattern informs them all that Mayalaran is quite dead. Usually she will trail after Adolin but otherwise remain motionless{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa3|93}} and to go elsewhere must be lead by the hand.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
When travelling with the [[Reachers]] Mayalaran is locked in a small room in the cargo hold by [[Captain [[Ico]] who calls her a deadeye. He tells Adolin that deadeyes do not watch where they're going and he couldn't have her on deck. Ico tells Adolin that he should not pretend that Mayalaran is his friend, that she is only a tool to him.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
At the [[Thaylen City]] Oathgate in Shadesmar Mayalaran protects Adolin from one of the [[Fused]] without prompting. She is stabbed through with a sword but doesn't react beyond screeching.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Later, once they make it into Thaylen City, she and Adolin face the [[Thunderclast]]. Adolin believes she was made to fight them, being overly long for dueling, and that she wants to fight the Thunderclast because it reminds her of when she was alive. In response she tells him her name.{{book ref|sa3|120}} During their fight Adolin is able to summon her with only seven heartbeats after he pleads with her to appear before the Thunderclast catches him.{{book ref|sa3|120}}