Difference between revisions of "M-Bot"

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(Neither Spensa or Rig have called M-Bot malfunctioning)
* space for up to four [[Destructor]]s, two on each wing* (Destructors not included){{book ref|skyward|17}}
* a [[light-lance]] turret underneath his main body*{{book ref|skyward|17}}
* a [[cytonics|cytonic drivehyperdrive]]*
* an IMP generator*
* advanced air scoops
* advanced shielding systems (which can absorb six-nine Krell shots, three more than a poco)
* self repair
* increased speed durability (capable of going up to at least Mag-20 in atmosphere).{{book ref|SkywardWeSkyward|52}}
* thruster systems*
* maneuverability thrusters