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3 bytes added ,  10 years ago
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m (Fbstj moved page Weeper to Lyss)
Until a few weeks before the assassination of King [[Gavilar Kholin]] the Weeper heldowned thea oathstoneslave of [[Szeth-son-son-Vallano]].whom Sheshe sold him to a slaver for being, as she called it, "storming creepy." This slave might have been [[Szeth]].<ref name=prologue />
The night of King Gavilar's assassination she met with his daughter [[Jasnah Kholin]]. Jasnah hired the Weeper to assume the role of a lady's maid to [[Elhokar Kholin]]'s wife. Her job was to watch only, until such a time that Jasnah felt it was necessary to act. Part of her contract also involved reporting to Jasnah any potential employers who expressed interest in contracts involving the members of [[House Kholin]] as she would match the payment in exchange for the name of the individual.<ref name=prologue />
