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== Attributes & Abilities ==
=== Shardwielding ===
Liss's most crucial resource is her Shardblade.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} It is currently unknown where she obtained the Blade, but there is no indication that she is a member of the [[Knights Radiant]] as of yet. Due to the masculine and feminine arts set out in [[Arts and Majesty]], Vorin women do not participate in combat, particularly not with a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa2|25}} As such, Liss is able to get close to potential targets, without raising their suspicions that she is a Shardbearer, and dispatch them quickly.{{book ref|sa2|36}} It is unknown if she has any other combat training with a Shardblade or if it is merely used for assassinations. In order to disguise her use of a Blade in her killings, Liss gouges out the eyes of her targets after she kills them, so no one can tell that their eyes are burned out.
=== Skills in Espionage ===
== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Nothing is known about Liss's early life or how long she has been active as an assassin. At some point in her past, Liss obtained a Shardblade, which she makes use of in her assassinations.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} In order to disguise her use of a Blade in her killings, Liss gouges out the eyes of her targets after she kills them, so no one can tell that their eyes are burned out. As she gained notoriety, people began calling her the '''Weeper''', claiming that she gouges out the eyes of her targets to show that she does not care whether or not her targets are lighteyed or darkeyed.
She and Highlady [[Jasnah Kholin]] knew one another by the year 1167.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Liss was among several prominent assassins operating in the area of [[Kholinar]] that had a standing agreement with Jasnah. She would report any potential employers who expressed interest in assassination contracts involving the members of [[House Kholin]] to Jasnah, who would match the payment in exchange for the name of the individual.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} It is likely that Jasnah used Liss for several different assassinations to keep her family safe. Liss had at least one servant, a man named [[Talak]], that helped her with her contracts.
