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|image=DarkeyesLirin by Gal OrShuravf.jpg
|children=[[Kaladin]], [[Tien]], [[Oroden]]
== Attributes and Abilities ==
{{image|Lirin and Hesina by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=rightleft|width=200px|With [[Hesina]]}}
=== Surgery and teaching ===
== History ==
===Early History===
As a youth, Lirin travelled to [[Kharbranth]] as a courier, where he was introduced to different cultures and societies. He had particularly poor luck when meeting people from [[Thaylenah]], all of whom tried to swindle him.{{book ref|sa1|10}}
While travelling he met [[Hesina]], the daughter of a high ranked family, and they fell in love. Although his initial introduction to her parents was a disaster, Hesina and Lirin got married and began a family in Hearthstone.{{book ref|sa1|31}}{{wob ref|1335|text= She's definitely fallen in social standing since her childhood.|date=Jan 6th, 2015|event=Firefight Seattle UBooks signing}}
=== The Surgeon And his Apprentice ===
=== Brightlord Wistiow and the Goblet of Spheres ===
Lirin and Brightlord [[Wistiow]] were close friends despite the differences in their social standing. In {{Rosharan date|1165}}, the brightlord fell ill and was attended by Lirin who, despite his best efforts, was unable to save the citylord's life. On the day of Wistiow's death, Lirin traveled to his manor to speak with the man. During his visit, he prepared documentation on behalf of the brightlord, that would gift his family a number of [[spheres#currency|diamond broams]]. After the document was read to the brightlord by his clerks, Wistiow ordered his staff from the room, leaving Lirin as the only witness to his authorization of the transaction. Later, after returning home, Lirin was found by Kaladin in his surgery room. After telling his son of the brightlord's passing, Lirin informed him about the "inherited" spheres and how they would be used to pay for Kaladin's further study in Kharbranth when he was older.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|37}}
The brightlord was not in his right mind during his last few days and did not have the capacity to transfer this wealth. Lirin, with the help of his wife Hesina, engineered the theft of their friend's wealth, as they knew that his death would mean the loss of the potential union between their children. Rumors sprang up not long after the brightlord's death surrounding the legitimacy of the transaction, though concrete evidence was never produced to prove the sphere's had been stolen.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|37}}
|We're surgeons. Let others rend and break; we must not harm others.
|Lirin to Kaladin{{book ref|sa3|7}}
== Relationships ==
{{image|Stormblessed FamilyDarkeyes by ElisgardorGal Or.jpg |With the rest of his family|side=right|widthheight=250px300px|with [[Hesina]] and [[Oroden]]}}
Lirin does not get along well with [[Hesina]]'s parents and as such they are not often spoken of around Kaladin or his brother.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Lirin's introduction to his wife's parents went quite poorly.{{book ref|sa1|25}} Marrying Lirin greatly impacted Hesina's social standing and Lirin occasionally regrets the sacrifices she made to move with him to Hearthstone.{{book ref|sa1|31}} They do not always see eye to eye,{{book ref|sa1|16}} and Lirin finds Hesina's religious beliefs frustrating.{{book ref|sa1|17}} Regardless, he loves his wife and they are happy together.
Hesina occasionally helps her husband during his surgeries if multiple assistants are needed or if Lirin's apprentice isn't available.{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa3|6}}
Lirin had hoped he would be able to take [[Tien]] on as a second apprentice, who could take over from his brother when Kaladin left for Kharbranth. Unfortunately, Tien's phobia of blood prevented him from following in his fathers footstep and Lirin reluctantly let him apprentice to the carpenter, [[Ral]].{{book ref|sa1|31}} Lirin is protective of his son and enjoys his excitable nature.{{book ref|sa1|25}} He is devastated when Tien is forced into the army by Roshone and it is only Amaram interceding that stopped him from causing a scene on the day Tien was recruited.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
He disapproves of both of his son's hanging around the older children in the town, particularly those who encouraged fighting and the revere the Calling of soldier.{{book ref|sa1|10}}
{{image|Stormblessed Family by Elisgardor.jpg|With the rest of his family|side=left|width=300px}}
=== Kaladin ===
|There are two kinds of people in this world, son. Those who save lives. And those who take lives.
[[Kaladin]] was trained by Lirin as a surgeon's assistant and showed a great aptitude in the field of medicine.{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|20}} He is proud of his son's work as a surgeon and believes with training and dedication, Kaladin can surpass him in skill.{{book ref|sa1|10}} During his childhood, Kaladin's parents were at odds over how much time he should spend studying versus having a traditional childhood.{{book ref|sa1|16}} Whether due to, or despite these disagreements, Kaladin is granted two hours a day by his father where he is not required to study.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
|You have to learn when to care, son. ... And when to let go. You'll see. I had similar problems when I was younger. You'll grow calluses.
|Lirin to Kaladin{{book ref|sa1|20}}
Lirin hoped to send Kaladin to study in Kharbranth, where he could further his training under medical scholars. After the arrival of Roshone, Lirin and his wife request for Kaladin to take the entry tests early, however their request is denied.{{book ref|sa1|31}} Despite warning Kaladin (during one of his gloomier moments), against becoming stuck in Hearthstone, Lirin has always hoped his son would return home after completing further study.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
Kaladin admires his father's bravery and his ability to stand up to those who outrank him.{{book ref|sa1|37}} He is proud to be his father's son, though he questions the morality of some of Lirin's choices.{{book ref|sa1|37}} Lirin doubts Kaladin's ability to cause harm to others{{book ref|sa1|41}} and is deeply disappointed when confronted with the fact that his son owns a Shardblade and has become a killer.{{book ref|sa3|7}}
Lirin had hoped he would be able to take Tien on as a second apprentice, who could take over from his brother when Kaladin left for Kharbranth. Unfortunately, Tien's phobia of blood prevented him from following in his fathers footstep and Lirin reluctantly let him apprentice to the carpenter, [[Ral]].{{book ref|sa1|31}} Lirin is protective of his son and enjoys his excitable nature.{{book ref|sa1|25}} He is devastated when Tien is forced into the army by Roshone and it is only Amaram interceding that stopped him from causing a scene on the day Tien was recruited.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
He disapproves of both of his son's hanging around the older children in the town, particularly those who encouraged fighting and the revere the Calling of soldier.{{book ref|sa1|10}}
=== Roshone ===