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'''Liafor''' is a kingdom on a peninsula in south-west [[Roshar]].{{map ref|Roshar}} It is known as a center of fashion on Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|49}}
== Geography and Ecology ==
It borders [[Tashikk]] to the east, [[Yezier]] and [[Alm]] to the north, the [[Aimian Sea]] to the northwest, [[Steen]] to the southwest, and an unnamed body of water to the south. The city [[Berizhet]] lies in northeastern Liafor, close to Tashikk. A major river runs west through Liafor, starting near Berizhet and ending in the Aimian Sea.{{map ref|Roshar}} During the [[Silver Kingdoms]] era, it was part of [[Makabakam]].{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}
== Politics ==
Liafor is headed by a monarchy run by a prince and other rulers. The prince's cousin, [[Kaza]], was trained from a young age in the use of their [[soulcaster]], which is always kept in the royal family. Whoever is the soulcaster is locked up yet given comforts in an attempt to placate them. Their soulcaster only has the ability to turn objects into smoke. The soulcaster was lost on the island of [[Akinah]] when Kaza ran off seeking a cure for her [[savant|condition]].{{book ref|sa3|i|4}} Liafor tends to eagerly join whatever councils Azir is in, though they prefer to cater meetings themselves.{{book ref|sa3|65}} At the start of the [[True Desolation]], they and Yezier were the only two Makabaki countries [[Dalinar]] thought in a stable enough position to approach about the coalition.{{book ref|sa3|8}}
== Culture ==
Liafor, along with Yezier, are known as the origin of fashion on Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|49}} They produce fashion folios that are read even on the opposite side of Roshar at the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa2|49}} Each folio page shows a few alternate styles of outfit for one particular demographic, such as [[Azish]] male civil servants. The popularity of these fashion folios comes from an ability to use local models and market towards local fashion trends. Folios marketed towards the [[Alethi]] and [[Veden]] market use Alethi models and show traditional styles such as the [[Vorin]] [[havah]] rather than the more daring styles popular in the west.{{file ref|Contemporary Male Fashion.jpg|Contemporary Male Fashion Folio Page}}{{file ref|Vorin Havah.jpg|Vorin Havah Folio Page}} Similarly, the styles shown in [[Thaylenah]] take inspiration from the style of [[Queen Fen]].{{file ref|Contemporary Thaylen Female Fashion.jpg|Contemporary Thaylen Female Fashion Folio Page}} The folios sent to the Shattered Plains intentionally had out-of-date styles in order to sell military uniforms to the soldiers, which [[Adolin]] was appalled to learn.{{book ref|sa3|69}}